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 by ramsfan1977
7 years 6 months ago
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Any chance they hire the next coach before seasons end?

 by St. Loser Fan
7 years 6 months ago
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aeneas1 wrote:geesh, a guy can't go out for a sandwich without his football world changing, awfully good news to come back to after a my lunch break!

On the day I have one meeting, this happens during it.

 by aeneas1
7 years 6 months ago
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St. Loser Fan wrote:On the day I have one meeting, this happens during it.

was the meeting at the ed? i kid. :D

 by moklerman
7 years 6 months ago
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I'm as happy as everyone else but there looms the "careful what you wish for" possibility. 5 years ago, Fisher was the best choice out there and we didn't even get Titans level results. I don't see the team going anywhere but up but it won't be easy or as simple as just hiring any new coach.

 by aeneas1
7 years 6 months ago
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so did the rams secretly land harbaugh before they axed jeff?

 by moklerman
7 years 6 months ago
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aeneas1 wrote:so did the rams secretly land harbaugh before they axed jeff?
Lotta Stanford ties out there right now. Between the Harbaugh rumors and Shaw appearance, it's hard not to think there's some Cardinal smoke.

 by aeneas1
7 years 6 months ago
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moklerman wrote:Lotta Stanford ties out there right now. Between the Harbaugh rumors and Shaw appearance, it's hard not to think there's some Cardinal smoke.

really intrigued by shaw.

 by St. Loser Fan
7 years 6 months ago
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We're arguing here at work and a Google search is fruitless. Has a NFL coach ever been fired before a Thursday game week?

 by rams74
7 years 6 months ago
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St. Loser Fan wrote:Good riddance. Thank goodness. See ya later. Don't let the door hit ya on the way out.

Yes, I agree with all these sentiments, but not without a good deal of regret. I didn't like the Fisher hire in the first place. But I take no solace in being proven right. There was a lot of optimism during the first couple of years, but to hit your plateau in year 1 is very disappointing. Fisher was such a distinct upgrade over Spagnuolo & Linehan. To see the state of our team the last few weeks is really discouraging. All we can do now is hope The Kroenkster gets it right this time around. I'm all for that. One year turnaround, and all that. Go Rams!

 by aeneas1
7 years 6 months ago
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rams74 wrote:Yes, I agree with all these sentiments, but not without a good deal of regret. I didn't like the Fisher hire in the first place. But I take no solace in being proven right. There was a lot of optimism during the first couple of years, but to hit your plateau in year 1 is very disappointing. Fisher was such a distinct upgrade over Spagnuolo & Linehan. To see the state of our team the last few weeks is really discouraging. All we can do now is hope The Kroenkster gets it right this time around. I'm all for that. One year turnaround, and all that. Go Rams!

well put.

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46 posts Jul 03 2024