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 by rams74
5 years 1 month ago
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St. Loser Fan wrote:Most likely Stan will flip the property for a profit. The Earth City facility is surrounded by light industrial, offices and warehouses. Right next door is the local Miller Coors distribution center. He’s not going to build a WalMart for his wife’s family.

A couple new warehouse/distro centers were built nearby in the last year or two so the market is filling a need. But IIRC Stan doesn’t do that sort of real estate.

Or he could flip it to the sports authority for considerations on the other lawsuits.

 by BobCarl
5 years 1 month ago
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aeneas1 wrote:for $1.00...
It will be interesting to see how the St. Louis media handles this if/when it happens. They might decide to not report on it and hope it becomes a tree that falls in forest.

 by snackdaddy
5 years 1 month ago
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BobCarl wrote:It will be interesting to see how the St. Louis media handles this if/when it happens. They might decide to not report on it and hope it becomes a tree that falls in forest.

Yeah, it seems as if this whole lawsuit thing is their Superbowl. I would think the media would want to minimize any wins by Kroenke. Meanwhile, we have an exciting young team who is a legit Superbowl contender. I like that kind of fan interest better. :D

 by BobCarl
5 years 1 month ago
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snackdaddy wrote:we have an exciting young team who is a legit Superbowl contender. :D
Yes. And we don't need a member of the St. Louis media to print this before we are allowed to believe it.

I'm from St. Louis, and I lost faith in their one horse's a$$ newspaper in 2003

 by AvengerRam
5 years 1 month ago
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St. Loser Fan wrote:This is where you point and laugh at us.

I'm not from Missouri or California, but I will say this... I have no desire to laugh at St. Louis, nor do I bear any ill-will towards the area.

To the contrary, I made several (9, I believe) trips out to St. Louis to watch the Rams play in the EJD and I have nothing but fond memories.

I believe the Rams belong in Los Angeles and will thrive there, but the St. Louis years remain an integral part of the Rams history, as does the city.

Just my $0.02.

 by moklerman
5 years 1 month ago
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AvengerRam wrote:I'm not from Missouri or California, but I will say this... I have no desire to laugh at St. Louis, nor do I bear any ill-will towards the area.

To the contrary, I made several (9, I believe) trips out to St. Louis to watch the Rams play in the EJD and I have nothing but fond memories.

I believe the Rams belong in Los Angeles and will thrive there, but the St. Louis years remain an integral part of the Rams history, as does the city.

Just my $0.02.
I am from SoCal but I feel the same. I feel no ill-will toward the fans of St. Louis and respect how they treated the Rams. The local government is another story though.

This latest decision is just another in a long line of examples of how that entity just doesn't get it. From the original lease to the failed upgrades to the frivolous research and money spent on an apparently disingenuous proposal to frivolous law suits.

All of which, ultimately just cost the fans. It has cost them the football Cardinals, the Stallions, the Rams and likely any return from the NFL. Their aggravation and angst is completely understandable but what I don't understand, especially with the long, continued history of mismanagement, lies and poor results how those fans have turned their focus toward Kroenke/LA?

I guess it's never easy to point the finger at one's self but St. Louis seems responsible for it's own football mess.

 by Flash
5 years 1 month ago
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moklerman wrote:I am from SoCal but I feel the same. I feel no ill-will toward the fans of St. Louis and respect how they treated the Rams. The local government is another story though.

This latest decision is just another in a long line of examples of how that entity just doesn't get it. From the original lease to the failed upgrades to the frivolous research and money spent on an apparently disingenuous proposal to frivolous law suits.

All of which, ultimately just cost the fans. It has cost them the football Cardinals, the Stallions, the Rams and likely any return from the NFL. Their aggravation and angst is completely understandable but what I don't understand, especially with the long, continued history of mismanagement, lies and poor results how those fans have turned their focus toward Kroenke/LA?

I guess it's never easy to point the finger at one's self but St. Louis seems responsible for it's own football mess.

Maybe because they know that the Rams will never return to St. Louis. For some reason I always had a feeling the Rams would return to L.A. someday.

 by dieterbrock
5 years 1 month ago
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AvengerRam wrote:I'm not from Missouri or California, but I will say this... I have no desire to laugh at St. Louis, nor do I bear any ill-will towards the area.

To the contrary, I made several (9, I believe) trips out to St. Louis to watch the Rams play in the EJD and I have nothing but fond memories.

I believe the Rams belong in Los Angeles and will thrive there, but the St. Louis years remain an integral part of the Rams history, as does the city.

Just my $0.02.

Well said.
I have love for the city of St Louis for the support they gave the team when it got there. And the greatest Ram team in my lifetime was built there with the best offense ever to play an nfl game.
Being an east coaster, my chances of getting to a home game were much greater in St. Louis. So I had no dog in the fight.
What I will say, is many of the LA posters I admire, who very respectfully brought info about the Rams possibly moving, were treated like crap by posters/mods on RRF and that changed my perception a lot. Yes, there were LA trolls who were jackasses but many guys on here brought up some interesting stuff, and got unjust criticism.
End of the day, as it pertains to Stan... my firm belief is that Stan wanted to build the Rams dynasty in St Louis and was taken for granted and disrespected.
I truly believe he wanted to be the local boy who made good.
But the dysfunction of how St Louis handled all of it drove him away.

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874 posts Jun 17 2024