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PostPosted:5 years 5 months ago
by ramsman34
Let him stay, let him troll. Let's see if has the balls to show up after the Rams end his precious dynasty.


PostPosted:5 years 5 months ago
by R4L
Brady wrote:That was playful banter to a guy saying he loved it when people cried when their team lost.

Same thing happened when I joined RRF. Some people just loathed my presence. If yall want an echo chamber, I'll bow out. But if not and you can accept other point of view, I may grow on you. But if I can hang around, if I get ribbed, I'm gonna rib back.

That makes no sense since it would seem obvious you would choose a Patriots board over being here. There is no other explanation for you being here other than to stir up shit. I vote that you bow out, since just you being a member brings bad juju to my team. You could sign up over at the Rams Huddle. 8-)


PostPosted:5 years 5 months ago
by ramsman34
aeneas1 wrote:if the rams again finish -3 in turnovers two weeks from now, as was the case the last time they met the patriots in the sb, they'll be 0-2 against the pats in the big show.

That is pretty much undeniable.


PostPosted:5 years 5 months ago
by halftrojan
Fact: Patriots are 2-3 in last 5 Super Bowls with one bone headed pass call (Seahawks) and ultimate choke job (Falcons)away from being 0-5.

Re: Cheating

PostPosted:5 years 5 months ago
by Stranger
This is Brady's last game. Pats reign [of cheating] is over.


PostPosted:5 years 5 months ago
by Hacksaw
Brady wrote:Same thing happened when I joined RRF. Some people just loathed my presence. If yall want an echo chamber, I'll bow out. But if not and you can accept other point of view, I may grow on you. But if I can hang around, if I get ribbed, I'm gonna rib back.

Getting ribbed is obviously going to happen since you have a different point of view and allegiance. That's a recipe for bad blood if it becomes titt for tatt.
I'll keep an eye on it for the enjoyment of all.


PostPosted:5 years 5 months ago
by snackdaddy
Brady wrote:Filming the Rams walkthroughs and practices was proven the be false.

Didn't the NFL destroy the tapes?

Edit: I'm late the party. Looks like it was discussed. Yes, I know it wasn't proven to be true. But it wasn't proven to be false. My question, if its false why didn't the NFL let the football world see the tapes in question? Seems to me if it was false that would immediately quiet down the controversy.

Plus, since then numerous Rams coaches and players have come out saying something seemed fishy. Add that to the fact the Patriots have already been proven to cheat, more than once, its easy to assume they do in fact, cheat.

Re: Cheating

PostPosted:5 years 5 months ago
by ScottyD
I hope The Rams hire extra, extra security for this weeks practices watching out for shady characters filming and taking notes!


PostPosted:5 years 5 months ago
by HAL 9000
I still can't get passed two key pieces of evidence:

#1 The comments that Faulk, Warner and many others said right after the game "it felt as if they were in our huddle." That was said well before the camera and tape conspiracy was even brought up several weeks later.

#2 Burning the evidence. This is the biggest admittance to the whole conspiracy: why do this if there is nothing to hide? I am convinced, without a doubt, that this proves there was something on that tape that was very damaging evidence and the NFL just wanted the whole issue to go away as if it never happened.

On another note: I bet Goodell is kicking himself for destroying the tapes after how the Patriots treated him after the inflate gate conspiracy. Even so, as far as I'm concerned, Goodell can rott in hell.

And won other thing, if the Rams should lose this, so called "Redemption Bowl", it still won't prove that Old Man Grinch didn't cheat his way to a SB 36 win. That will never go away.


PostPosted:5 years 5 months ago
It's clear they are cheaters. Anything legal or illegal to gain the edge. That's why it's easy to hate the Patriots. Spygate (including the Rams in 01 and the Jets later on), Deflategate, etc. It's not because most of their fans (I said most, not 'all') are arrogant assholes. That just confirms the feelings. It's a lot like dealing with Red Sox fans. You'd think after 86 years of futility....over generations, where fathers and grandfathers who were die hard Sawx fans died without ever seeing them as Champions.....they'd have a modicum of modesty. A relief that they had finally won it (and followed it up with 3 more for good measure). No they behave as if they'd been winning it, on average, every 3 years since 1918 like the Yankees. And we all know Yankee fans are arrogant but at least they have the 27 titles to go along with it!!!