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 by aeneas1
5 years 5 months ago
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i dunno, looks pretty benign to me, and a lot less dastardly than the still frame floating around that makes it appear that he's intentionally stomping on reynolds' helmet.

 by WaddyWasWideOpen
5 years 5 months ago
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Every show and website this morning is only talking about the call. Pathetic! Going to be like this all week. So Ill have to tune out, which sucks because weve waited 39 years for this and cant even talk about the season, the teams or the games.

 by /zn/
5 years 5 months ago
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PI call/no call - how long do we have to listen to this

Like it or not...forever.

In fact...get used to it. It's not going to go away. One day they can do enough so that it becomes old history. But it won't disappear.

Imagine if the situation were reversed. Would all the people saying now it didn't really matter and so on, say that if it happened to the Rams? My guess: no.

Think of it this way. It is just one more speed bump the Rams have to overcome in order to finally one day get the respect they deserve. I can't speak for anyone else, but, I am just going to shrug and be patient until that day comes.

 by HAL 9000
5 years 5 months ago
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It's unfortunate situation. It is now going to be the Rams didn't win the game the Saints got robbed... blah, blah, blah. If only Coleman just turned his head, it's quite possibly a pick six.

Anyhoo..... unfortunate we have to listen to all the talk about how the Saints got robbed when in fairness there were plenty of other egregious calls against the Rams throughout the game.

No doubt it steals our thunder but hopefully the Rams turn it into motivation to go out and kick ass in the Suberbowl, as once the Patriots did after the tuck rule game and beyond.

 by dieterbrock
5 years 5 months ago
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WaddyWasWideOpen wrote:Every show and website this morning is only talking about the call. Pathetic! Going to be like this all week. So Ill have to tune out, which sucks because weve waited 39 years for this and cant even talk about the season, the teams or the games.

Its amazing.
When Brady throws the game ending pick, but the play gets called back for a lined up in the neutral zone play, they say it was the right call.

 by snackdaddy
5 years 5 months ago
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Elvis wrote:

There's another tweet showing these 3 and a fourth one. The play before their first TD the play clock was at zero before the snap with no flag. I was yelling why was there no flag. It was a clear second before the snap. There was another earlier but the Saints ended up punting so it didn't matter. Still, twice they didn't get the snap off before the clock and no flag.

 by snackdaddy
5 years 5 months ago
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dieterbrock wrote:Its amazing.
When Brady throws the game ending pick, but the play gets called back for a lined up in the neutral zone play, they say it was the right call.

I believe that was not the first time he lined up like that. If they called it the first time it wouldn't happen on that one. Refs missing calls is not uncommon. Its a part of the game.

 by Call me Roman
5 years 5 months ago
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so Saints fans are pissed about a bad call from a ref crew that the Rams didn't want in the first place, the fans are screaming and blowing whistles, we spot them a 13 point lead, they also get the ball to open overtime. and we still beat them, this loss is on them.

 by BobCarl
5 years 5 months ago
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WaddyWasWideOpen wrote:is going to be the #1 discussion point for the next 2 weeks... ?

Maybe not a #1 discussion point for the next two weeks, but an everyday household discussion point for sure.

We won't hear the end of this.

The tuck game still gets talked about ... (17 years later) and we'll hear about it again in the media between now and the SB. Spy-gate happened then too.

The Immaculate Reception (46 years ago) still gets talked about

ESPN printed an article in Oct 2018, about the Holy Roller play that happened 40 YEARS ago.

There about 3 million people that live in the St. Louis area. Probably 2.5 million of them knows who Don Denkinger is. That happened (33 years ago) in 1985

And yesterday's no-call, that the NFL has already acknowledged that they blew, will be talked about for a long long time.

Real Rams Fans will feel no taint when we hoist the SB trophy on Feb 3rd. And we shouldn't.

But Saints Fans and all of the people that hate the Los Angeles Rams will talk about this for decades ad nauseam.

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322 posts Jul 08 2024