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 by Ramfan46
8 years 9 months ago
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United States of America   LA Coliseum
Practice Squad

Good thing they lifted the blackout, NFL knew how bad this was gonna get. I'm just bummed for the team, there is no juice in the building. Can't wait to make noise for them in person starting in 16.... I hope!

 by OldSchool
8 years 9 months ago
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United States of America   LA Coliseum
Pro Bowl

Elvis wrote:
OldSchool wrote:The thing that is puzzling is they announced the what 37k tickets sold? So that many people gave Kroenke money then they protested by not going? Heck of a protest, here's our money now we're not going to go and utilize those tickets we paid you for. If they wanted to protest to show their voice they shouldn't have bought tickets. If in fact the low attendance is a product of blame Kroenke.

I think they said 37k distributed whatever exactly that means.

The Rams could embarrass the city a lot more by announcing how many were in attendance instead...

I think though it's NFL policy that teams announced tickets sold, distributed like you mentioned earlier accounts for give-a-ways. It helped them prevent blackouts. All we need to embarrass StL is JT's tweets and the pictures. That was pathetic of a showing yesterday by the home fans.

 by Hacksaw
8 years 9 months ago
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United States of America   AT THE BEACH

Ramfan46 wrote:Good thing they lifted the blackout, NFL knew how bad this was gonna get. I'm just bummed for the team, there is no juice in the building. Can't wait to make noise for them in person starting in 16.... I hope!

The real games will be better I hope. If not,, well that would be the end of that.

 by Hacksaw
8 years 9 months ago
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United States of America   AT THE BEACH

Fisher after Colts game "From a big picture standpoint we still have some work to do. Obviously tonight is a great illustration of if you turn the football over you have costly penalties at the wrong time it will cost you a ballgame. We’ve got to get the penalty thing under control.

Seems I've heard this before. Same words from Fish and a different version :Shoot, we'll fix that" from MM. :shock:

Holding hope out for good 1st and 4th quarter reports come real game 1

 by Hacksaw
8 years 9 months ago
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United States of America   AT THE BEACH

A couple of things come to mind but I really want to say that I'm a big fan of Nick Foles. He has a nice deep ball and looks like he will play closer to 13 not 14. That said what really impressed me the most was on the play Brown went down. Foles seemed to have command of the situation and was right in Browns face talking him through it. Brown even reached for him. That leadership team player quality has me a big fan of his even if he stinks up the place. Which I sort a don't think he will.

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25 posts Jul 01 2024