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 by moklerman
7 years 6 months ago
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OldSchool wrote:So I still don't change my opinion. They're comparing time zones which is apples to oranges. Funny they don't point out the obvious that the Rams won their time slot. And the ratings in LA might be a smaller share than the numbers in StL but it provided more viewers. Kind of them also not pointing out the 84k people going to the games on Sunday's. Anybody can spin numbers to make themselves look better and somebody else bad. It all depends on your agenda.
Maybe I misread, but I thought the 12.9 was a non-Rams game in the LA market vs. the Rams game at 8.7.

The point of the article was to say that people in LA are watching other games more than Rams games. The side note was that STL was still watching the Rams at a respectable rate.

That the Rams aren't even coming close to winning the ratings war in LA is the point of all of this. Especially considering it's their first year back in LA and they should just basically have to show up to keep the honeymoon going.

 by actionjack
7 years 6 months ago
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dieterbrock wrote:That cant possibly happen, you see when teams are potentially relocating, they need a HC who has experience with a franchise changing cities. You know, it gives them the advantage. Del Rio doesn't have that experience so the Raiders cant play well this year. And if they move, well for sure they cant play well then either....

Well said Moks, pretty embarrassing that we arent even thru one season (with now a rookie franchise QB) and LA is already tuning out. Wait until the new stadium iscomplete by the airport and all the traffic.

 by dieterbrock
7 years 6 months ago
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actionjack wrote:Well said Moks, pretty embarrassing that we arent even thru one season (with now a rookie franchise QB) and LA is already tuning out. Wait until the new stadium iscomplete by the airport and all the traffic.

Methinks you quoted the wrong guy

 by Elvis
7 years 6 months ago
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moklerman wrote:That the Rams aren't even coming close to winning the ratings war in LA is the point of all of this. Especially considering it's their first year back in LA and they should just basically have to show up to keep the honeymoon going.

I think you've got this backwards.

The Rams have a huge built in fan base of old timers in L.A. That's how they sold out 70k season tickets in 6 hours and why we're getting 86k per game at the Coliseum.

But we're a drop in the bucket compared to the size of the Los Angeles TV market.

The Rams ratings and fanship in L.A. will only grow as they they re-establish themselves in the L.A.market for everyone else.

And of course the best way to do that is be a winner...

 by aeneas1
7 years 6 months ago
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wait, so the rams beat out all football games in the early time slot? the horror....

 by SpeedRacer
7 years 6 months ago
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I agree with Elvis. The Rams have a built- in base who still rooted from afar. Even in the old days the Rams didn't have a large following compared to the favored teams. The ratings will reflect that.

The fact many stayed fans shortens the honeymoon as it relates to putting up with bad football. We haven't just seen bad football this year but for the past 10+. So we aren't letting the coaches slide.

Right now the Rams are bad and for non hardcore football fans; boring.

Go Rams.

 by OldSchool
7 years 6 months ago
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moklerman wrote:Maybe I misread, but I thought the 12.9 was a non-Rams game in the LA market vs. the Rams game at 8.7.

The point of the article was to say that people in LA are watching other games more than Rams games. The side note was that STL was still watching the Rams at a respectable rate.

That the Rams aren't even coming close to winning the ratings war in LA is the point of all of this. Especially considering it's their first year back in LA and they should just basically have to show up to keep the honeymoon going.

Sorry if it seems like I'm attacking or challenging you, I'm not in any way. I just find these articles to be funny. I've read 2 or 3 of them for each of the last couple weeks. Nowhere in them do the articles mention that the Rams won their time slot in LA. That's kind of an important fact to be omitted. Also did the teams that beat the Rams win their time slots or were those selective things pulled to try to clown the Rams. These articles are meant to do one thing and it's one thing that I don't like and never will tolerate. It's belittling the Rams and Rams fans.

 by OldSchool
7 years 6 months ago
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aeneas1 wrote:wait, so the rams beat out all football games in the early time slot? the horror....

Haha exactly how dare they win the ratings when they played! It's interesting too did you know a sitcom at 8pm will have better ratings than one at 11pm? Crazy how that happens.

 by aeneas1
7 years 6 months ago
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OldSchool wrote:Sorry if it seems like I'm attacking or challenging you, I'm not in any way. I just find these articles to be funny. I've read 2 or 3 of them for each of the last couple weeks. Nowhere in them do the articles mention that the Rams won their time slot in LA. That's kind of an important fact to be omitted. Also did the teams that beat the Rams win their time slots or were those selective things pulled to try to clown the Rams. These articles are meant to do one thing and it's one thing that I don't like and never will tolerate. It's belittling the Rams and Rams fans.

exactly... as i mentioned above, according to the ratings that were posted, the rams were number 1 in their time slot, and that includes college games, no mention of that tho, not too surprising given the intended slant....

 by Haden
7 years 6 months ago
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moklerman wrote:I wonder how many reasons there actually are to fire Fisher?

Hundreds and counting

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30 posts Jul 01 2024