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Canuck's Corner

PostPosted:10 months 3 weeks ago
by AvengerRam
AltiTude Ram wrote:Sorry I was mistaken.

Former Moderator...I guess your job performance wasn't up to standards.

Again, I don't agree with treating one poster differently than others.

I resigned. Nobody asked me to.

Facts matter.

Re: Canuck's Corner

PostPosted:10 months 3 weeks ago
by Elvis
All further off topic posts will be deleted.

Seriously, take it to general discussion...

Canuck's Corner

PostPosted:10 months 3 weeks ago
by BobCarl
Elvis wrote:....seems to be going too far off topic, this is where i'll move said post ...

fair enough

Admin Edit: Bob, appreciate your comments and i'm sure Canuck would too but please take it to general discussion.

It would be nice if someone could say something nice about a fellow poster and not have it followed by a rebuttal but that's not the situation so, let's take it to general discussion and get back to talking football here in the Rams/NFL part of RFU...

Fuck you , I understand your ethnic negative bias towards me, is it really necessary to discriminate against a fellow Rams fan?

I said nothing disingenuous that needed to be edited. Changing my narrative is bull shit. edit

Canuck's Corner

PostPosted:10 months 3 weeks ago
AltiTude Ram wrote:All posters should be able to express their opinions, regardless of the passion that comes with it.

Aren't they are still able to do that? As far as derailing threads, I think we all may be guilty of that from time to time. All it takes is an off topic post that somebody responds to, then somebody responds to the response and somebody responds to that. Suddenly we're waaaaay off topic. I've been guilty of that....I think we all have been. If we can massage our way back on topic it's fine, except after 3 or 4 off topic posts, good luck with that. But as Elvis pointed out, he didn't delete it, he moved it and gave it a great title. "Canuck's Corner". It could be the start of something. Like in the old days, for Mets fans..."Kiner's Corner". I think David Cone got a weed wacker for appearing on the show. :D

Canuck's Corner

PostPosted:10 months 3 weeks ago
by Elvis
I was actually thinking of Karp's Korner from the Marchand & Ourand podcast. Ausin Karp is their TV ratings guy who's on every so often...

Canuck's Corner

PostPosted:10 months 3 weeks ago
by Hacksaw
This whole thread is strange to me. We are all different in our perceptions and our delivery. Thats what makes things interesting.

We all scrape paint now and then but we are all pulling for the same eventual team outcome so sometimes we have to just put on our big boy pants and simply use the power to scroll down and move on. Mature cool heads always rise above. Egos just get in the way.

I am a moderate moderator as I let grown up posters say their piece as long as they don't consistently try and be disruptive or directly attack one another.

And don't forget we have an ignore feature. Also PM's so each member can air their grievances in a more personal private place.
I'm available there too.


Canuck's Corner

PostPosted:10 months 3 weeks ago
by TomSlick
Hacksaw wrote:This whole thread is strange to me. We are all different in our perceptions and our delivery. That's what makes things interesting.

And don't forget we have an ignore feature. Also PM's so each member can air their grievances in a more personal private place.

Well said, Mr. Hacksaw...well said, indeed.

As for settling grievances, I prefer the manly approach, flintlock dueling pistols at 10 paces.

Canuck's Corner

PostPosted:10 months 3 weeks ago
by /zn/
PARAM wrote:Injuries are unpredictable and unpreventable, save for strength and conditioning. 2022's unprecedented O line devastation led to injuries at other positions and made the offense non-existent. Consider 2019, when we had 3 OL go down by midseason. The offense finished #7 in yards and #11 in points scored and the offensive woes included Gurley being a shell of his dominant self. And we still almost made the playoffs.

2019 was a different animal. 2019 started off with both Whit and Hav being off their games then recovering their games during the season. The injuries had replacements--including 2 new acquisitions, Edwards and Corbett (who were the 2020 starters).

In 2022 they lost more linemen than 2019...and the replacements got injured too.

2022 was more like (but also much worse than) years where Rams OL injuries were so extensive, it messed with the offense's ability to perform. That includes 2007 and 2011.

Re: Canuck's Corner

PostPosted:10 months 3 weeks ago
by Elvis
If you listened to the Play callers (and read a bunch of stuff before then), the conventional wisdom seems to be Fangio figured out McVay in 2018, it really manifested in the SB and going forward until McVay/Stafford found an answer in 2021. Whitworth talked about it a lot.

Not saying it's the only thing that happened but i'm inclined to go with it...

Canuck's Corner

PostPosted:10 months 3 weeks ago
Elvis wrote:If you listened to the Play callers (and read a bunch of stuff before then), the conventional wisdom seems to be Fangio figured out McVay in 2018, it really manifested in the SB and going forward until McVay/Stafford found an answer in 2021. Whitworth talked about it a lot.

Not saying it's the only thing that happened but i'm inclined to go with it...

Certainly. But it was a lot of things.
They had 4 different starting line combinations and 2 games disrupted by injury (both losses) in the first 10 weeks. Nowhere near as bad as 2022 though.
Despite the OL problems, Goff was asked to throw a league high (and career high) 626 times. If you add in the 22 sacks, more like 648 times. His yards per attempt dropped a whole yard, his TD% 2.2 % and he had a career high 16 picks.
Gurley was a shell of his former self, not just in the run game but significantly as a receiver. He had 1305 & 1251 rushing yards, 64 & 59 receptions for 1368 yds in 2017-18 respectively (3924 total yards) and 40 total TDs. In 2019 he had 857 rushing yards and a lousy 31 receptions for 207 yards, though surprisingly, still 14 TDs. But a guy who put up almost 4,000 yards the previous 2 years had less than 1100.
Cooks had concussion problems and his production dropped almost 52%.
Everett was injured, playing the first 9 weeks (45 snaps per game) then having just 31 snaps the next two weeks, missed 3 games, then had 4 snaps in the last 2.
"Figured out" may have played a big part but there were many, many things wrong in 2019.