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 by actionjack
3 years 13 hours ago
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Elvis wrote:I thought there was a good chance there would be no new uniform this year so i'm already wrong but i'm thinking yellow or black.

Still, could be anything, maybe they do something for the old timers who clearly aren't happy? I'm not expecting that but maybe...

I think it will be a yellow/white version as the primary color.

 by Ramsdude
3 years 11 hours ago
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Pro Bowl

Elvis wrote:I thought there was a good chance there would be no new uniform this year so i'm already wrong but i'm thinking yellow or black.

Still, could be anything, maybe they do something for the old timers who clearly aren't happy? I'm not expecting that but maybe...

I am on "old timer". Been a fan since '69. I have seem MANY good times and TOO MANY bad times but you know what? I stuck by my team good, bad or ugly and there was a LOOONG stretch of U.G.L.Y!!!

I didn't find a new team or stop supporting them. I spent thousands on merch during those horrific '90's and wore it proudly. It really pisses me off that now we are an "after thought" when it comes to the rebrand.

They are marketing to a "younger" crowd and our life long loyalty means nothing. Demoff basically shit on us by making the "marketing to a younger crowd" more important than our loyalty.

He KNEW that changing the helmet horn was something that should NOT be done and did it anyway.

He KNOWS we all want the Ferragamo's as a throwback so I guess we can forget about that happening. It would be a nice way to "honor" the players and fans who LOVE those uni's and he could still push that new bullshit we are wearing now and have the best of both worlds making everyone happy. It seems like the "right thing" to do.

I have absolutely NO faith that Demoff will get this right. It just seems like he has an agenda and doesn't want to divert from it. He's trying to "attract" a younger crowd of maybe a few thousand kids. To hell with the tens of thousands of people who loved the old uni's and have spent thousands on merch already. I guess since we are already fans, he thinks we will still be fans and buy the new shit.

Well...not me. I haven't bought one thing with the new logo. No new hats, shirts or new jersey.

IMO, Demoff would never admit he was wrong about the new uni so we are stuck with them until he is gone or enough people bitch about them that he makes a change.

 by moklerman
3 years 11 hours ago
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St. Loser Fan wrote:Some teams have uniform and color stability while other don't. Sadly the Rams have both a history of moving AND changing uniform colors. Is the any other team that's changed as much as the Rams have?
https://www.gridiron-uniforms.com/GUD/c ... eam_id=LAR
I don't know but I do think it's a problem. IMO, they chose poorly when they returned to LA. They should have embraced and celebrated the history in addition to inviting new fans onto the bandwagon. Changing uniforms, yet AGAIN, just adds to the instability that the Rams have faced for decades.

I think back to the 100,000 strong that showed up at the Super Bowl in '79. This town loved and supported the Rams. Since then? They've moved...what, 4+ times for home games? Changed uniforms just as many times? And I understand the rationale behind a new brand, but you gotta stick that landing. Which they didn't even come close. Longtime fans are disappointed, new fans are not motivated by it and much of the rest of the sports world thinks they're pretty bad.

Since 2002 or so, they have bungled the uniform situation over and over. Someone really should be fired over the repeated and continual mismanagement of the situation.

 by ramsman34
2 years 11 months ago
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I wonder what the helmet will be/look like?

 by Hacksaw
2 years 11 months ago
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United States of America   AT THE BEACH

Elvis wrote:People are guessing Whitworth either means yellow, like the color rush or white with yellow trim like the white Feragamos.

Hmmm, that description sounds like the Ferragamo's.
I like the Waterfield's/ VanBrocklin's way better than the color rush.
But I'll take the Ferragamo's any day, especially on Sunday's (even if they are so similar to the new atrocities). Or is this a sign that Demoff and company heard us and is going to try and back out of the corner they put themselves in by creeping a new version of the Ferragamos in? +1
One can only hope....

 by St. Loser Fan
2 years 11 months ago
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Hacksaw wrote:Hmmm, that description sounds like the Ferragamo's.
I like the Waterfield's/ VanBrocklin's way better than the color rush.
But I'll take the Ferragamo's any day, especially on Sunday's (even if they are so similar to the new atrocities). Or is this a sign that Demoff and company heard us and is going to try and back out of the corner they put themselves in by creeping a new version of the Ferragamos in? +1
One can only hope....

Full fledged Ferragamos would just be gasoline on the fire as tons of people would rush to them and leave the current uniforms to collect dust on store shelves.

 by Hacksaw
2 years 11 months ago
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United States of America   AT THE BEACH

St. Loser Fan wrote:Full fledged Ferragamos would just be gasoline on the fire as tons of people would rush to them and leave the current uniforms to collect dust on store shelves.
But they'd be selling jerseys.

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175 posts Jun 17 2024