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Re: Bonsignore: Rams and Chargers to begin premium club seat sales for new Inglewood stadium

PostPosted:6 years 2 months ago
by Elvis
My rep definitely said they will be using the preview center for non club seats, that we could come back or do it over the phone when our time came. My guess is the "in a year" thing was a bit of an exaggeration to put a little pressure on us to buy sooner rather than later but we'll see.

I also asked about future ticket prices and got the Cowboys answer. She also said something about the NFL being limited to 1 or 2% a year in ticket price increases but it was a vague reference.

Re: Bonsignore: Rams and Chargers to begin premium club seat sales for new Inglewood stadium

PostPosted:6 years 2 months ago
by Fire407
I was really surprised that we couldn't see what seats have been taken. The process for the Coliseum had some issues, but at least you could see what was available. Of course we all remember that when picking seats for the Coliseum, the seats weren't yours until you checked out, and many people had seats in their cart disappear before checkout. The feeling back then was that you were on the clock with 1000 other people and you had to scramble to select seats. The process at the new center is a lot more relaxed. There's only a few people in the room picking seats and maybe a couple more doing it by remote. I got the feeling that the consultants are told to go through the entire presentation even if you have made up your mind to buy. I did get a little anxious when a friend that was with me kept asking questions and I was wanting to see if the seats I wanted were available. As other people have said, the consultant asks what you want and then writes it down and disappears for a few minutes. It doesn't make sense that they don't have the seating chart on the screen with what's taken and what 's available.

Bonsignore: Rams and Chargers to begin premium club seat sales for new Inglewood stadium

PostPosted:6 years 2 months ago
by Elvis
Oh, Goff and Rivers were there, so that was pretty cool...


Bonsignore: Rams and Chargers to begin premium club seat sales for new Inglewood stadium

PostPosted:6 years 2 months ago
by Phil
Goff and Rivers are black now :o

Bonsignore: Rams and Chargers to begin premium club seat sales for new Inglewood stadium

PostPosted:6 years 2 months ago
by dieterbrock
Phil wrote:Goff and Rivers are black now :o

And pretty ripped too

Bonsignore: Rams and Chargers to begin premium club seat sales for new Inglewood stadium

PostPosted:6 years 2 months ago
by Markjburns
I went a few weeks back. After some back and forth with going to his office and writing seats down on paper, my rep just opened the available seats screen on the laptop and showed me what was available in all the sections I was looking at. I ended up with seats in C130 row 6.

Bonsignore: Rams and Chargers to begin premium club seat sales for new Inglewood stadium

PostPosted:6 years 2 months ago
by BrendanOC6
Did they ever talk about how to re-sell the SSL'S? Will Rams provide the market? will someone just take over your payment schedule or start a whole new payment schedule?

Bonsignore: Rams and Chargers to begin premium club seat sales for new Inglewood stadium

PostPosted:6 years 2 months ago
by SWAdude
BrendanOC6 wrote:Did they ever talk about how to re-sell the SSL'S? Will Rams provide the market? will someone just take over your payment schedule or start a whole new payment schedule?

There is a site you can re-sell SSLs.

Same as other stadiums PSL/SSLs.

Take over payment schedules? I can't think any financial institution that would do that for common sense reasons. It's your financial agreement. How you deal the seats is your deal, not the stadiums.

Bonsignore: Rams and Chargers to begin premium club seat sales for new Inglewood stadium

PostPosted:6 years 2 months ago
by BrendanOC6
"How you deal the seats is your deal, not the stadiums."

This is my question. What restrction's are there to re-selling.

It's ok to say you don't fully know the answer.

Bonsignore: Rams and Chargers to begin premium club seat sales for new Inglewood stadium

PostPosted:6 years 2 months ago
by SWAdude
BrendanOC6 wrote:"How you deal the seats is your deal, not the stadiums."

This is my question. What restrction's are there to re-selling.

It's ok to say you don't fully know the answer.

I can tell you what I was told by my rep and others I have known who have PSLs at other stadiums.

You pay a $100 transfer fee. You can transfer the ownership of the SSL to whom ever you chose after the kickoff of the first game they play in the new stadium.

If you are looking for more of an answer than this. Please call LASED yourself.