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 by 69superbowl
6 years 5 months ago
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Malaysia   San Jose

I think, from an athletic perspective, it's not so much the rest, but the continuity of the intensity of competition. To literally take a game off and tell everyone who asks that you are not trying to win - yes, that you are going to lose to the number one rival of much of your fan base - in your home stadium just a year or so after being gone for decades, in a violent sport like football is not just resting, but throwing the family minivan in reverse while you are on the freeway. Well, not an LA freeway, a normal freeway where you can go fast. Teams with the "bye" earned that week 18 and it is a different mindset. Teams that have sucked balls for most of three decades shouldn't do that. They need to learn to step on the throat of their opponents. One of the most inspiring things I took from the 2017 Ram season is that they seem to be learning "how to win" and not just "how to stay close and mostly lose" via Cro-Magnon mentality of the Fisher-era. They won some games when they were not at their best this year. Those had been guaranteed shit-the-bed losses in the past. Ram teams haven't done that in awhile. As mentioned above, the Kid-HC will learn as much from the back-to-back losses as anyone. I guess what I am blathering about is that, in Sports, "rest" and "reverse" are different animals.

 by Elvis
6 years 5 months ago
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sloramfan wrote:im not so sure rams fan since 82...

if they had a bye, and 9'r game was meaningless...

prolly would have rested...

go rams


slo, you're back. Nice meeting you Saturday. Tough loss, how are you taking it?

 by Ramfan99
6 years 5 months ago
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RamsFanSince82 wrote:It wasn't Goff or the other starters decision to take week 17 off. McVay is the one that told Gurley, Goff and other starters they weren't going to play in week 17.

Brady and the other Pats starters played in week 17 because they had a bye during the wildcard weekend. If they took week 17 off, they would go three weeks before playing again. If the Rams had a bye during wildcard weekend, the starters would've played most of, if not the entire game against SF.

#1 I did not say it was the Goff’ decision to rest, because everyone who followed Rams knew it was McVay’s decision, but I faulted both of them, more on the Coach, because I believed he would float the resting idea to his prized student Goff to get his feedback and went from there. It was highly unlikely that if Goff was against his idea and McVay still overrided Goff . Please read on and you understand. If Goff told McVay “Hey Coach, I need to play, because I still need to learn when and when not to telegraph my passes (remember my int that ended the game vs Redskin). We just lost our #1 kicker and #1 scorer, so I still need to release balls quicker, avoid sacks, or get more yards, more TDs hopefully to make up for the kicker lost. I still need to spread my passes more, because Gurley catches more than 50% of my passes and if they stop Gurley, we could be in trouble. Season ticket holders, fans would not be happy if I do not play (Not made this up. As soon as they announced “resting”, ticket prices went south). Others more seniors could rest, but put me in 1 or 2 quarters.” I doubted that McVay still overrided his prized student’s desire, and focus to improve his repertoire, to better prepare for his BIGGEST test when both knew the stakes were at the highest. Goff, still a student of the game, should not rest.
#2 People said Rams’ resting decision is the same as teams with a playoff bye week, because they rest too. I don’t think so: There is a big difference: The 2 teams that earn the bye are at TOP of the food chain and for a REASON, but Rams was not. Eagles beat Rams at home. Vikings beat Rams. Rams need to get better and resting would not make them better, unless ... their next opponent get hurt. That leads to another take: Rams rest decision sent a wrong message to their next opponent: While we quit one game to enjoy the beach, you duke it out and by the way you may get hurt, so when we play you next, we could take advantage of you, kind of ‘cheap advantage’. No team likes that message and consequently, Rams just added more fuel to their next opponent (the Falcons this time), made them stronger, worked harder to prove Rams wrong. Bad strategy for this Rams and McVay blew it. When Rams email me next survey, I would vent this.

One of my friends questioned me 4 weeks ago:
He: Rams is suddenly good. Why? I doubt their ability to maintain their level.
I: I have to say thank you to many people like you who doubts the Rams, so Rams continue to try to get better, continue to be good.
Look like he was right.

 by sloramfan
6 years 5 months ago
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hey elvis...

it was great meeting you too, and it was a cool tailgate greg puts on, cant wait for next year...

as far as the game? thoroughly dissapointed... did not want the season to end like that..

great tailgate, a really good crowd, and a good rams team...


amazing how completely disinterested i was in sundays games..

looking foward to seeing the kind of team we put out there next year...

the wait will be the hard part...

go rams


 by Stranger
6 years 5 months ago
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sloramfan wrote:hey elvis...

it was great meeting you too, and it was a cool tailgate greg puts on, cant wait for next year...

as far as the game? thoroughly dissapointed... did not want the season to end like that..

great tailgate, a really good crowd, and a good rams team...


amazing how completely disinterested i was in sundays games..

looking foward to seeing the kind of team we put out there next year...

the wait will be the hard part...

go rams


I can't wait to meet the infamous Elvis in person. Thought I would have a chance at the NFCC. Alas, until next year.

 by sloramfan
6 years 5 months ago
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ya me too stranger...i was looking foward to meeting a bunch of the RFU crew at the NFCC game...

i had big plans for getting tickets to a NFCC game, and i told my son they probably would get there if they beat the falcons...

hey but all is good... and i cant wait to meet you in person at one of gregs tailgates, they're awsome...

see ya next year for sure, just let everyone know when you'll be there...

go rams


 by RedAlice
6 years 5 months ago
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Look forward to meeting you both next year.

I got in more road games than home games this year.

Hope the schedule next year allows more at home.

Nothing like an awesome 63 tailgate.

 by sloramfan
6 years 5 months ago
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Pro Bowl

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