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NFC Wild Card Game: Falcons @Rams

PostPosted:6 years 5 months ago
by haroldjackson29
I was wrong about Chiefs but right about this game. That's game

Re: NFC Wild Card Game: Falcons @Rams

PostPosted:6 years 5 months ago
by Badmojo

Re: NFC Wild Card Game: Falcons @Rams

PostPosted:6 years 5 months ago
by Badmojo
We got outplayed and out coached today

Re: NFC Wild Card Game: Falcons @Rams

PostPosted:6 years 5 months ago
by Stranger
Great Team. Great Coaching Staff. Future is extremely bright.

This season exceed all expectations!!!!

Re: NFC Wild Card Game: Falcons @Rams

PostPosted:6 years 5 months ago
by moklerman
Who's fault is it when the so much of the team isn't ready?

NFC Wild Card Game: Falcons @Rams

PostPosted:6 years 5 months ago
by aeneas1
Badmojo wrote:We got outplayed and out coached today

yep, and a few times during the regular season as well, next year!

NFC Wild Card Game: Falcons @Rams

PostPosted:6 years 5 months ago
by SDRamman
Very disappointing, the Rams were a bit out done today, but I think they could have won if not for stupid mistakes (Cooper). :twisted: (And a lot of holding by the Atl O-line) They exceeded my expectations for this year, I hope this will be a learning experience and they will be stronger next season.

NFC Wild Card Game: Falcons @Rams

PostPosted:6 years 5 months ago
by Hacksaw
We started stout. Our D had them rattled and on their heels.
Then the foot of Countess unluckily flipped the field.
Our D was stout again and only allowed 3.
Then Cooper got striped and we spotted them more points. But more so they got energized again. We couldn't sustain.

We couldn't get a freakin 1st down.

2nd half they slowly moved the ball downfield while burning clock. We had an opportunity but couldn't get a first down.
After they scored again I thought we had run out of gas. I was wrong.
That hurry up drive was awesome but it took too long.

Had the team played clean and didn't turn the ball over, I think things would have turned out differently.

NFC Wild Card Game: Falcons @Rams

PostPosted:6 years 5 months ago
by Ramfan99
At the game with my son, and was disappointed because Rams was out of sync, because of imo, ‘resting players’ last week. I told my kids last week Coach should not rest Rams players, because #1 their starters lost a chance to get better by playing together. #2: Rams offense depends on precision, many moving parts must be in sync for them to do well (unlike some team has dominant players: qb just throws ball high and wide receiver outjump to catch it or running back could truck defense like Marshal Lynch), so the more chances to play together, the better. #3 Rams offense only together one season with new coach, so more time playing together, the better. On the way home, listened to radio, they said Patriot coach did not even rested players last week and they won 4 SB together. Here you only got to playoff 1 in 10 years and you wanted to rest!

People said “It’s fine to rest players, because they don’t want qb and so and so get hurt”, but imo, the better way for this Rams is to play Goff and tell him to learn how to release balls faster, short slants, or try some things to reduce that likelihood, and therefore continue to get better. Instead they rested and thought ‘We are good enough to beat everyone’. Well that would done them in: Before the game last week, I told my kids “It is coach’s team and he is excellent so far, and I would give them benefits of a doubt as long as their back up would not lay an egg, but they did last week, and their starter would not lay an egg, but they did today! Enough for me... onto next season and looking forward to see my other favorite team in town, the Pack :)

NFC Wild Card Game: Falcons @Rams

PostPosted:6 years 5 months ago
by aeneas1
welcome @Ramfan99, and thanks for your observations!