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Wild Card Week: Rams @ Lions, Lions open 3.5 pt favorite

PostPosted:5 months 3 weeks ago
by ramman2999
We have a Cede Lamb on our team get him the ball.

Wild Card Week: Rams @ Lions, Lions open 3.5 pt favorite

PostPosted:5 months 3 weeks ago
by ramman2999
Man fuck the Refs.

Wild Card Week: Rams @ Lions, Lions open 3.5 pt favorite

PostPosted:5 months 3 weeks ago
by ramman2999
Can’t believe he punted it back.

Wild Card Week: Rams @ Lions, Lions open 3.5 pt favorite

PostPosted:5 months 3 weeks ago
by ramman2999

Re: Wild Card Week: Rams @ Lions, Lions open 3.5 pt favorite

PostPosted:5 months 3 weeks ago
by Zen_Ronin
It is what it is. We went further than anybody thought we would. Proud of the fight in this team. There are definite weaknesses I hope not to see next year (Hoecht, Kendrick).

I will say I am disgusted by the officiating. 3 MAJOR ignored (ignored, not missed) PI's, and allowing Detroit to hit late and head hunt all fucking game. Just criminal.

If we lose Morris, McVay better do his replacement a favor and arm him with actual defensive playmakers and less scrubs.

On to next year!!

Wild Card Week: Rams @ Lions, Lions open 3.5 pt favorite

PostPosted:5 months 3 weeks ago
by ramman2999
This is disgusting. What is going on with NFL officiating? Did they payback the Lions for the Cowboy hose.?

What am I missing?

Puka was abused. Look at the play. He’s held. And hit in his chest. It’s a blatant PI if anything it’s defensive holding giving us a better shot at a field goal or going for it on 4th.

Then Den the Stafford hit Hutchinson he’s late hit. Personal foul nothing called.

Cowboys game Chiefs game flags called for hits to the Knees and Higbee has to be carried off for a hit to the knee no call.

Why is it a flag if it’s Mahomes but not for Higbee??? What the fuck it’s bullshit.

Re: Wild Card Week: Rams @ Lions, Lions open 3.5 pt favorite

PostPosted:5 months 3 weeks ago
by Zen_Ronin
There are legitimately Saints and 9er fans in forums saying the non-roughing the passer call on Stafford is inexcusable.

THAT'S how bad that was. Unbelievable.

Wild Card Week: Rams @ Lions, Lions open 3.5 pt favorite

PostPosted:5 months 3 weeks ago
by ramman2999
Why am I mad????

Cause this team could’ve won a super bowl. Puka Nakua was on fire nobody could stop him. He was Cede Lamb.

And our defense held them to 3 points in the second half what the fuck???

I might not be right. But Kyren the hand you couldn’t get in there and give it a try??? We needed him It’s the playoffs. Laporta was out there on one leg and his touchdown made the difference.

Yeah it’s frustrating because we controlled the second half.

Mcvay blew it. Why the fuck punt it.? I know defense was playing lights out but how long was the defense supposed to hold off. All they needed was a first down. One first down.

The holding fucked us taking us out of field goal range.

Havenstein i mentioned him against Hutchinson he fucked us.

You gotta call the PI on Puka it’s discusting cost us a season.

NFL really had to win the game for the lions.

The playcalling Mcvay in the red zone he got out coached wasn’t aggressive. Didn’t hunt Puka.

Should’ve targeted Allen more he could’ve been more of a factor.

I put it on Mcvay you can’t punt there.

Wild Card Week: Rams @ Lions, Lions open 3.5 pt favorite

PostPosted:5 months 3 weeks ago
by ramman2999
Please just draft defense defense defense

And I was the guy who wanted a Quarterback.

Maybe you could get the Tennessee Quarterback in the third round.

I want Kool Aid drafted by the Rams and I ain’t talking about the drink.

Wild Card Week: Rams @ Lions, Lions open 3.5 pt favorite

PostPosted:5 months 3 weeks ago
by ramsman34
But wait, player safety is their highest priority right? Wasn’t why we lost per se, but certainly robbed the offense of a number of opportunities to continue drives. Inexcusable, but the NFL will explain it away. On to next year and a critical offseason. Time for Snead to really get down to business and build a championship team. Has a lot of great pieces. Needs more difference makers and playmakers in key spots. All of which we know, and so does he.