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 by moklerman
6 years 4 months ago
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United States of America   Bakersfield, CA
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Elvis wrote:It's not really a limitation as much as it's a philosophy. Fisher believes in conservative offense because he believes that helps the defense.

Fisher wants to win with running and defense. It's a tough row to hoe but it can be done, at least on occasion.

Fisher needs to change his philosophy before anything else will change...
Never more true than now. Today's NFL is literally not what it used to be. Too many changes in rules to win with conservative, defensive-minded approach. Offense entertains and offense is protected. Have to focus on that if you want to win now.

 by dieterbrock
6 years 4 months ago
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/zn/ wrote:So if a qb did well that;s in spite of the coach, and if he did poorly it's because of the coach. Gotcha. Circular reasoning at its finest.

How come Foles did worse with the Rams than Bradford, Clemens, Hill, and Keenum? The only qb who crashed and burned like Foles was Davis.

I do know this. The only 3 college Air Raid qbs to ever do anything in the pros all started out very rough. That was true of Foles, until he was assisted by Kelly's version of the spread. Even then he was streaky (and still is...look at the Eagles final regular season games against Dallas and Oakland). But anyway when he left Kelly and went back to trying to run a pro offense, he had his 2015 meltdown. In the same vein, it wasn't until Keenum's 4th year that he had a avg. qb rating in the 80s. Goff had a typical bad first year just like Foles and Keenum.

Anyway so things were just plain not as simple as you claim.


Wrong again....
First of all Bradford, Clemens and Hill all played under Shotty's watch, and Keenum played better in both Houston and obviously Minnesota than under Fisher, where he wasn't very good.
And btw, Foles played remarkably well in his rookie year so including him in your flat earth theory is laughable

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12 posts Jun 17 2024