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 by actionjack
7 years 6 months ago
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So who is Interim? Guess we will find out at 3pm at the pressor. Hope this means Snead stays.

 by HighRoller
7 years 6 months ago
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RedAlice wrote:What a glorious day!!!!!!!

I am mixed about this. I like the guy.

But this team needed this change. I know Stan had made up his mind a short time after the game yesterday. This is all him. It is the feeling that Stan wanted to get through the holidays in respect for Jeff. But a meeting didn't go well after the game.

 by dieterbrock
7 years 6 months ago
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"However, this is the right time to make a change as our performance has not lived up to my or our fans' expectations. We all are focused on improving as an organization and building a team that makes Los Angeles proud. Our mission is to celebrate a Super Bowl title with our fans in Los Angeles. Today is the first step to bringing us closer to that goal."

I don't want to hear anyone say Kroenke doesn't care about winning

 by ramblingnut
7 years 6 months ago
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I guess the new million dollar question is.... who has the balls to step into this dysfunctional organization as the new head coach? And as much as I'd love to see Harbaugh, he's not leaving Michigan for the Rams job. So what are our options?

 by dieterbrock
7 years 6 months ago
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ramblingnut wrote:I guess the new million dollar question is.... who has the balls to step into this dysfunctional organization as the new head coach? And as much as I'd love to see Harbaugh, he's not leaving Michigan for the Rams job. So what are our options?

My top 3 in no specific order

 by 69superbowl
7 years 6 months ago
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Kind of surprised. Didn't know Stan watched football. Good news and sad news. I had high hopes Fisher was going to bring respect and professionalism to the Ram carnival geek act. It got better for a minute, leveled off and rolled off the table like a spilled beer. I can't summon excitement over the news, but better days are ahead for this team, and all of us fans... Yea. I guess. Snoop would be a nice interim.

 by TomSlick
7 years 6 months ago
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Italy   Many of us know the feeling of the universe conspiring to bring car and driver together.

dieterbrock wrote:I don't want to hear anyone say Kroenke doesn't care about winning

"Kroenke doesn't care about winning." There, I said it. I can't resist a dare.

You are quite right, Dieter, and I'm glad to be proven wrong. Stan put me in my place. Well done, sirs.

Now let's get this moribund franchise going

 by 69superbowl
7 years 6 months ago
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Malaysia   San Jose

Give Fish credit, at least he didn't go 7-9.

 by Haden
7 years 6 months ago
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Oh happy day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 by RedAlice
7 years 6 months ago
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HighRoller wrote:I am mixed about this. I like the guy.

But this team needed this change. I know Stan had made up his mind a short time after the game yesterday. This is all him. It is the feeling that Stan wanted to get through the holidays in respect for Jeff. But a meeting didn't go well after the game.

I think Fisher is a nice guy - I like him generally.

But this 5th year of still sucking, just not working. We have needed this change since the Niner game and it just feels damn good to finally have it.

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46 posts Jul 03 2024