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 by BuiltRamTough
8 years 1 month ago
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"The far more realistic and beneficial situation for the league remains the Raiders getting a deal done in Oakland."

What if they can't get a deal done in Oakland? That's the whole point.

A big market with a shity stadium


A small market with a first teir stadium. Oh and not just any small market. Vegas!

The Raides cant get a deal done in Oakland so they look elsewhere. This isn't new it's always been like this.

Okay the Bay Area is a great great greatt market. We all know this. We also all know all 3 teams up there haven't gotten a stadium deal done. It is what it is.

Mark Davis might just want a smaller market but only Vegas. Dude likes strip clubs and drives a van lol

 by Elvis
8 years 1 month ago
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Davis can't do it but the Bay Area is worth privately funding a stadium, like Kroenke has done in L.A.

L.A. would never have gotten a team if that team was depending on public money.

Maybe the Raiders do go to Vegas, but that leaves a pretty big hole/opportunity in the bay...

 by BuiltRamTough
8 years 1 month ago
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Didn't Mark say he would do it privately in Oakland if they just leased the land to him? Vinny said the same thing. Vinny is a puppet anyway so who really knows. These guys lie all the time.

You can't compare Kroenke to Mark. That's not fair lol. Mark doesn't have the money and if he brings in an investor he has to sell a part of the team. Stan is also going to make money off the development around the stadium. Now if the A's move then that's a different story. He could build a mini Inglewood.

Here are the options for Mark. Rott in that stadium or sell a part of the team and build a small simple stadium in Oakland. 55k seats withought all the bells and whistles.

Or pitch in 200 mill and get a world class stadium on the strip. Vegas is also close to Oakland and LA. It's not far away like San Antonio is. Also as of now the Raiders would be the only sport show in town. Who knows, maybe Davis might become a co owner of a MLS team that's supposed to play in that same stadium as well.

What would you do?

Also remember, Davis is a nutty fellow. You could see it in his eyes. He loves Vegas.

Vegas is a sexy situation. The new area opened this year and already has a bunch of events lined up. The next big fight (Canelo vs GGG) might be in Jerrys world. They're in negotiations right now. That same fight could happen in new stadium for the Raiders in Vegas. Plus Super Bowls and other NFL events.

It's also on the strip. If it wasn't on the strip I wouldn't go for it bc the rest of Vegas is a desert. That would be a deal breaker for me.

 by Elvis
8 years 1 month ago
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United States of America   Los Angeles

I can see Mark Davis moving the Raiders to Las Vegas.

But the quote from the Boston Globe and the one from Kroenke makes the case that the Raiders moving to Las Vegas doesn't necessarily make good sense for the NFL. We don't know what's real and what's not but that argument makes a lot of sense to me.

The Rams left a small market for a really big one, which happened to be their previous home of 50 years.

The Raisers want to leave one the biggest markets and their home for most of their existence for a fairly small market? Doesn't make as much sense. It's a bit like the Rams leaving L.A. for St. Louis. It made good sense to Georgia at the time but didn't make a lot of sense for the NFL.

Anyway, makes me wonder how this is all gonna actually play out...

 by Elvis
8 years 1 month ago
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http://mmqb.si.com/mmqb/2016/05/29/caro ... owl-return

Las Vegas Raiders?

Commissioner Roger Goodell called the Raiders-to-Vegas talk “very premature” at the NFL’s quarterly league meeting last week in Charlotte, and that’s true. The potential move wasn’t an official agenda item at the meeting, because much is still TBD. The Nevada state legislature would need to approve any amount of public financing for a new stadium ($750 million has been proposed), and team owner Mark Davis said the Raiders are just beginning market research to see if the city of about 600,000 can support a local fan base. That research usually takes a couple months to complete. But there was plenty of chatter on the matter in Charlotte. Davis billed Las Vegas as a venue that could unite the Raiders’ Northern and Southern California fan bases, and Cowboys owner Jerry Jones continued stumping for the entertainment appeal of the city over the league’s traditional aversion to having any ties to gambling. Since NFL bylaws require 24 of 32 owners to vote “yes” to approve any relocation bid, I polled a handful of owners, asking each the question: If everything lines up, would you vote to put a team in Vegas?

John Mara, Giants: “I’m open-minded. I would want to hear a presentation about it and the pros and cons, and obviously there are some concerns, but I am not going to rule it out. The gambling, is the market deep enough to support an NFL team, what kind of stadium would be there, what kind of support are they going to get from the community? Those would be the concerns.”

Do you think attitudes have changed within the league re:gambling?

“You might be right. But until there is actually a presentation with all the pros and cons, I wouldn’t bet one way or the other at this point.”
Bob McNair, Texans: “I would look favorably at it. I would like to hear all the arguments, make sure we are not overlooking something. But you have gambling all around you now, lotteries on every street corner. I don’t think it is the issue we viewed it to be 20 years ago. We want Oakland to get a good facility, and have stability with their franchise, and if this is an opportunity to do that, then I think it is something we need to seriously consider.”

Jeffrey Lurie, Eagles: “I’d be open to it. My only question is, is it a really good NFL market? I’m not totally worried about a lot of other things. I am more worried, is it a great market for the NFL? I don’t know enough about that. I never thought about it much before. It has to support 70,000 every weekend. It is not an NBA team, like say the Thunder, which does an incredible job of supporting their smaller market. We have got to make sure it really will support a team if a team goes there, but I am open to it.”

Jed York, 49ers: “I will wait to see, but if there is something that provides all the resources necessary, they go through all the steps and it is a project that works, I’d be supportive of the Raiders getting a new stadium anywhere. I know the Raiders have worked tirelessly to try to get a stadium done. It’s been difficult trying to move and have much progress in Oakland. They have been very upfront that they would like to stay, and if not, they need to make sure that they find a long-term home and long-term solution. … I think the stigma about Las Vegas is much different today than where it was in the past.”

Woody Johnson, Jets: “Las Vegas is a very exciting market. Nevada is a very good place from a tax standpoint, very low taxes and no income tax. It depends what the deal is with the stadium, and with operating it, and what the league and Mark [Davis] feel are the opportunities there—if he feels he can fill up the stadium and get enough economic traction there with sponsors and all that. … I don’t know if [gambling] is as dominant an issue now as it was 10 years ago.”

 by BuiltRamTough
8 years 1 month ago
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Elvis wrote:I can see Mark Davis moving the Raiders to Las Vegas.

But the quote from the Boston Globe and the one from Kroenke makes the case that the Raiders moving to Las Vegas doesn't necessarily make good sense for the NFL. We don't know what's real and what's not but that argument makes a lot of sense to me.

The Rams left a small market for a really big one, which happened to be their previous home of 50 years.

The Raisers want to leave one the biggest markets and their home for most of their existence for a fairly small market? Doesn't make as much sense. It's a bit like the Rams leaving L.A. for St. Louis. It made good sense to Georgia at the time but didn't make a lot of sense for the NFL.

Anyway, makes me wonder how this is all gonna actually play out...

Kroenke said that and it's true. At the same time Kroenke, Jerry Jones and Davis had dinner with the Vegas people. Then you have Jerry Jones gushing over Vegas.

Vegas is a small market but it's a very unique market bc it's attracts tourists. Idk what the plan is but the Super Bowl/Draft/Pro Bowl could be in rotation for Vegas. That's what separates Vegas from a STL or Jacksonville. Plus the Raiders brand fits in Vegas.

For an NFL fan like me I think it would be cool if the Raiders move to Vegas. It's something new and interesting. Who cares if it's a smaller market and the NFL makes a little less in Vegas. It's not my money. I'll enjoy watching a game played in Vegas compared too that baseball stadium in Oakland.

The same time. The Raiders wont move to LA bc the way it looks now, Oakland can't get a stadium built. So I rather have them in Vegas and have the Raiders stadium drama over then worry about the possibility of them moving to LA.

 by Stranger
8 years 1 month ago
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How about moving the Raiders into San Francisco? China Basin is being developed like gang busters right now. Take over the 49ers fan base too lazy to drive to Santa Clara

 by Snow Man
8 years 1 month ago
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Las Vegas Raiders?

Do you think attitudes have changed within the league re:gambling?

“You might be right. But until there is actually a presentation with all the pros and cons, I wouldn’t bet one way or the other at this point.”
Bob McNair, Texans: “I would look favorably at it. I would like to hear all the arguments, make sure we are not overlooking something. But you have gambling all around you now, lotteries on every street corner. I don’t think it is the issue we viewed it to be 20 years ago.

Gambling and fantasy football is what drives the NFL. Without those two things it's debatable how many people under the age of 35 would even follow it.

 by Elvis
8 years 1 month ago
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United States of America   Los Angeles

Snow Man wrote:Gambling and fantasy football is what drives the NFL. Without those two things it's debatable how many people under the age of 35 would even follow it.

Totally agree. The NBA has already moved towards accepting that reality. And when you consider that some NFL owners are investors in Fan Duel/Draft Kings you have to figure the NFL knows how important gambling is to their popularity...

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30 posts Jul 03 2024