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Is Maher an improvement?

PostPosted:6 months 4 days ago
bremillard wrote:It's certainly appropriate to try another kicker but is Maher any better than Havrisik? His playoff numbers are lousy. Time will tell but I'll be holding my breath on every kick and hoping it doesn't come down to a late FG for a win.

LOL. He's played 4 postseason games, is 3 of 4 on FGs and had ONE bad game where he missed 4 PATs....in a WIN!!! Is he better than Havrisik? Probably not. But he does have postseason experience.

bremillard wrote:If the Rams play the Cowboys the kicking game will heavily favor Dallas.

Being "favored" in the kicking game is like being "favored" to win the game. It doesn't matter once the game starts, you still have to win it. I made a comment about how Aubrey has been perfect all season (except for 3 missed PATs :o ) and asked, "remember Gary Anderson?"

Is Maher an improvement?

PostPosted:6 months 3 days ago
by bremillard
PARAM wrote:LOL. He's played 4 postseason games, is 3 of 4 on FGs and had ONE bad game where he missed 4 PATs....in a WIN!!! Is he better than Havrisik? Probably not. But he does have postseason experience.

Being "favored" in the kicking game is like being "favored" to win the game. It doesn't matter once the game starts, you still have to win it. I made a comment about how Aubrey has been perfect all season (except for 3 missed PATs :o ) and asked, "remember Gary Anderson?"

What you continued effort to dispute EVERYTHING I say omits this time is how many times will McVay not try a medium to long field goal and instead punt or try to get a first down on 4th and whatever. The kicking game is crucial in the NFL or in any organized football and the team with a better kicker has a decided advantage everything else being equal or close. I can also pull anomolies out of my ass for arguement's sake but people who actually know the game or are at least intellectually honest know that the Ram's kicking game could very well be a problem. You do too, but you like to argue to assume some kind of self imposed superiority over the board.

Is Maher an improvement?

PostPosted:6 months 3 days ago
bremillard wrote:What you continued effort to dispute EVERYTHING I say omits this time is how many times will McVay not try a medium to long field goal and instead punt or try to get a first down on 4th and whatever. The kicking game is crucial in the NFL or in any organized football and the team with a better kicker has a decided advantage everything else being equal or close. I can also pull anomolies out of my ass for arguement's sake but people who actually know the game or are at least intellectually honest know that the Ram's kicking game could very well be a problem. You do too, but you like to argue to assume some kind of self imposed superiority over the board.

Sure it could be a problem. Or it could not be a problem. Intellectually honest? Here's a question for your honest intellect.

Does the team with the better kicker win the game? Or does the team with the better offense? Or better defense? I agree, the team with the better kicker has a decided advantage IF IT COMES DOWN TO THE KICKING GAME.

FWIW, I don't feel I have any superiority over the board. If that's how you feel, that's a you problem. And I don't disagree with everything you say. Just some of the whining and complaining. Is that too intellectually honest for you?

Re: Is Maher an improvement?

PostPosted:6 months 2 days ago
by ramsman34
The kicking game will be a challenge. Only if it alters the game will it have been a problem.

It will be a considerable challenge IMO.

Is Maher an improvement?

PostPosted:6 months 2 days ago
by 69RamFan
I feel Maher can hit 40 yds and under without any problems,

47yds would be my max to send him out on the field,

So, the ball would be placed on the 30 yd line.

Any balls between the 30 and 40 yd line,

I would go for it and try to get a first down.

Outside the 40, punt it away.

Is Maher an improvement?

PostPosted:6 months 2 days ago
69RamFan wrote:I feel Maher can hit 40 yds and under without any problems,

47yds would be my max to send him out on the field,

So, the ball would be placed on the 30 yd line.

Any balls between the 30 and 40 yd line,

I would go for it and try to get a first down.

Outside the 40, punt it away.

And you would be correct. The last 3 years he's 33 of 34 from 39 yards in, 17 of 20 from 40-49 yards, (50-54 from 49 in). This year he's 14 of 16 from 49 yards in. His infamy came in that playoff game last year when he missed 5 PATs (50 of 53 in the regular season; with 53 attempts being the most in the NFL in 2022). Is it a concern? It's always a concern. With practically ANY kicker. Most are head cases and a bad game can send them snowballing down the slope. And so because of his 2022 postseason performance he's a HUGE liability. He's 12 of 13 in PATs this year. I'm as concerned about our red zone issues, maybe even more so than kicking.

I read an article that listed the biggest issue for the 9 teams already in the playoffs and found it interesting.

Rams - Kicking
Cleveland - Turnovers
Philly - Pass Defense
Detroit - Beating pressure
Miami - Red Zone defense
KC - Catching passes
Dallas - Rush Defense
Baltimore - Fumbles
San Francisco - Interceptions

Of the 4 teams we could face this postseason, two of them have liabilities we should be able to exploit. A third if we keep rushing the passer like we have the last 6 weeks (17 sacks). So if our red zone issues continue AND it comes down to kicking, Maher has been solid in the red zone. If it comes down to long kicks, there is concern. Maher is only 3 of 7 from 50 and beyond (Tucker, perhaps the best of all time, is 1 of 5 :o ). But Maher will always be remembered for the 5 missed PATs in one 2022 playoff game, so that's the "problem" for the Rams. Overcome that by putting the ball in the freaking end zone!!!

Is Maher an improvement?

PostPosted:6 months 2 days ago
by bremillard
PARAM wrote:Sure it could be a problem. Or it could not be a problem. Intellectually honest? Here's a question for your honest intellect.

Does the team with the better kicker win the game? Or does the team with the better offense? Or better defense? I agree, the team with the better kicker has a decided advantage IF IT COMES DOWN TO THE KICKING GAME.

FWIW, I don't feel I have any superiority over the board. If that's how you feel, that's a you problem. And I don't disagree with everything you say. Just some of the whining and complaining. Is that too intellectually honest for you?

"Whining and complaining" is what support boards do...along with a some useless platitudes when things fall the right way. We aren't determining team policy, outcomes of games, future team strategy or makeup. We come on these sites to vent, to wonder what went wrong and celebrate what went right. I tend to be negative. Admitted. I also tend to be pragmatic. I never said the kicking game was the sole factor in football. I said the Cowboys, and likely any other team the Rams may face in the postseason, have a distinct advantage in THE KICKING GAME. The Rams DO NOT have the best offense nor defense in the NFL. They have a decent offense and defense and great coaching. That may not be enough playing the best other teams. Will it come down to special teams? I just hope not because the numbers don't add up well in that area of the Rams. Funny how when you point out shortcomings you are adding "expertise". When others do it, me and a couple of others particularly, we are "whining". But, hey, thanks for adding some color. I'm always in for a bit of Schadenfreude.

Is Maher an improvement?

PostPosted:6 months 2 days ago
bremillard wrote:We come on these sites to vent, to wonder what went wrong and celebrate what went right. I tend to be negative. Admitted................The Rams DO NOT have the best offense nor defense in the NFL. They have a decent offense and defense and great coaching. That may not be enough playing the best other teams........''

Who's "we"? The majority of fans who come here come to discuss the Rams. Not vent, whine and complain, ALL THE TIME. You don't "tend to be" negative. 99.9% of your posts ARE negative. Most fans who come here are positive at least some of the time.

The Rams have a "decent offense"? You call #7 in the NFL "decent" (and I believe #1 or #2 the last 6 weeks)? No surprise that's from the pessimistic viewpoint.....decent. And you lectured me on being intellectually honest? LMFAO!! Like the saying goes, "if it weren't for optimists, pessimists wouldn't know how happy they weren't".

bremillard wrote:Funny how when you point out shortcomings you are adding "expertise". When others do it, me and a couple of others particularly, we are "whining".

Not others.....(plural). Just YOU. Why even be a Rams fan if you're constantly unhappy? Unless you just enjoy complaining!! :arrow2: :idea2: Or you are a Jets, Lions or Browns fan!! :lol2:

Re: Is Maher an improvement?

PostPosted:6 months 1 day ago
by bremillard
"Who's "we"? The majority of fans who come here come to discuss the Rams."

Discuss the Rams what? How was their breakfast? Where they live? Did they have a nice holiday season?
Ummm...nope. It's how they play...good bad and mediocre. I'm going to take GREAT DELIGHT in pointing out your "whining" about future lousy play. If I really cared I'd go back and gather past posts you made in that regard but, honestly, I don't give a shit enough to expend that much energy. However, you can believe I will scrutinize that as we move forward...and that's only because it's what you consistently do to me. And that "great" offense and defense has amounted to a plus 25 point differential for '23. Hardly the juggernaut hill you are choosing to die on.

Re: Is Maher an improvement?

PostPosted:6 months 1 day ago
by ramsman34