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 by max
7 months 3 weeks ago
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We know McVay can win a SB in SoFi in 2022 with Stafford as his QB. They did.

An educated guess says it doesn’t happen with Goff in the equation. But I think it’s a very educated guess.

It was so important to get that done. The most likely alternative would have been the Niners winning the first ever SB in SoFi. So for just that alone, I will defend the trade to my last breath.

At this point, IMO, Goff has substantially more value than Stafford. He’s got at least 5 prime years left and he’s still getting better. He’s a top 10 QB, maybe top 7. He’s in a great system in Detroit, but let’s not sell him short. The Lions have had good players before and done nothing. Goff deserves his share of credit for the Lions success.

 by Elvis
7 months 3 weeks ago
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I agree with max.

I would point out Goff didn't have a very good first year in Detroit when Lynn and then Campbell were calling the offense. The combination of Ben Johnson and Goff has been great. Will be interesting to see how each of them do if and when Johnson gets a HC gig...

 by ramman2999
7 months 3 weeks ago
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 by azramsfan93
7 months 2 weeks ago
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PARAM wrote:In 2021, Stafford had a great season. 41 TDs, 4886 yards, 12-5. In the postseason, we beat Arizona and to my memory Stafford played well but the defense played phenomenal.

Stafford's passer rating was 154.5 in the AZ playoff game. He more than played well. The defense was outstanding as you mentioned.

Then we beat Tampa Bay in another game where Stafford played well but the defense played great.

Stafford threw for 366 yards, 2 TDs, passer rating of 121.2 and threw one the most memorable passes in Rams history to Kupp. If that's playing "well" then what qualifies as outstanding play?

Stafford played well passing for 331 yards, 2 TDs with a pick.

In a game where neither team could run the ball well, Stafford played well under pressure and scored enough for the defense to seal the win.

Right now, I'd give the edge to Stafford because he brought us the Lombardi.

Ya think?

Stafford played one of, if not THE, greatest 4 game stretches in NFL playoff history to lead the Rams to the Super Bowl Championship.

Goff has a history of being a very good regular season QB when everything is just right. He has a long way to go to be in Stafford's league.

7 months 2 weeks ago
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azramsfan93 wrote:Stafford's passer rating was 154.5 in the AZ playoff game. He more than played well. The defense was outstanding as you mentioned.

Stafford threw for 366 yards, 2 TDs, passer rating of 121.2 and threw one the most memorable passes in Rams history to Kupp. If that's playing "well" then what qualifies as outstanding play?

In a game where neither team could run the ball well, Stafford played well under pressure and scored enough for the defense to seal the win.

Ya think?

Stafford played one of, if not THE, greatest 4 game stretches in NFL playoff history to lead the Rams to the Super Bowl Championship.

Goff has a history of being a very good regular season QB when everything is just right. He has a long way to go to be in Stafford's league.

It was a question, not a statement. Like many, I believe the trade was terrific.....at the time. It got us (and Stan) the SB win in our own building!! It doesn't get any better than that. Going forward, I'm not so sure. My hope is Stafford rebounds and we win another Lombardi in 2024 or 2025. My point was, great trade because it delivered the goods. But which QB will have the most success going forward?

 by Haden
7 months 2 weeks ago
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Stafford in the SB year. Goff now. Stafford is in serious decline.

 by /zn/
5 months 2 weeks ago
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/zn/ wrote:Once he became more involved as the de facto qb coach, McVay was impatient with Goff--openly, in public--and Goff played through 2020 like a qb with confidence issues. In Detroit, they worked on building then taking advantage of and riding Goff's confidence, a situation bolstered by the fact that Detroit has a top 5 OL.

An old topic with a new vid.

Fwiw here's a good vid about how the Lions offense is built around Goff's strengths.

5 months 2 weeks ago
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Haden wrote:Stafford in the SB year. Goff now. Stafford is in serious decline.

That didn't age well! :D

Early on, it certainly seemed like a decline but he had a stellar 2nd half.

Goff had a real good year and has a chance to make the SB. But after the way #9 played the second half, I'm happy with him.

 by /zn/
5 months 2 weeks ago
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Elvis wrote:I would point out Goff didn't have a very good first year in Detroit when Lynn and then Campbell were calling the offense. The combination of Ben Johnson and Goff has been great. Will be interesting to see how each of them do if and when Johnson gets a HC gig...

That's the question. Though. Goff is now a confident qb who has thrived in an offense built around his strengths. I seriously doubt they would hire a new OC who would try to back him down on all that. A good OC would take advantage of that. He may not have a new OC who is as clever about using disguises and misdirection, but the bottomline "build on your qb's strengths" principle is likely to stay in place. I have a feeling that where ever it is Johnson goes if he goes, it will likely be a place where either the qb already interests him or he has a say in who it will be. It may turn out that the JG/Johnson "marriage" was a perfect one, but it also could be that the next new arrangement while not as good doesn't fall off that much.

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19 posts Jul 08 2024