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Re: Seahags: "Gurley avg... he's no Marshawn Lynch"

PostPosted:8 years 6 months ago
by RedAlice
RamsFanSince82 wrote:Of course he's no Marshawwn Lynch! He's not an injured, old RB whose career is almost over!

Loves to you.

Next year in LA.

Re: Seahags: "Gurley avg... he's no Marshawn Lynch"

PostPosted:8 years 6 months ago
by Hacksaw
RamsFanSince82 wrote:Of course he's no Marshawwn Lynch! He's not an injured, old RB whose career is almost over.......
...and isn't allowed to speak in commercials due to his literacy, nor look at the camera because,, he can't. He is a tough SOB though. Without him Seattle's offense is pretty pedestrian. The balance of power is shifting.

Re: Seahags: "Gurley avg... he's no Marshawn Lynch"

PostPosted:8 years 6 months ago
by Hacksaw_64
He's right, Gurley's no Marshawn Lynch he's better.

Re: Seahags: "Gurley avg... he's no Marshawn Lynch"

PostPosted:8 years 6 months ago
by ramsman34
HaHa RFS82, EXACTLY. Tell me those idiots wouldn't trade Lynch for Gurley immediately.

"The 12's"? Yep, that's your collective football IQ

Re: Seahags: "Gurley avg... he's no Marshawn Lynch"

PostPosted:8 years 6 months ago
by snackdaddy
Seahags better get all the trash talking out now while they can. The window is closing on them. I think they won't get far in the playoffs this year and they may not even make it next year.

Re: Seahags: "Gurley avg... he's no Marshawn Lynch"

PostPosted:8 years 6 months ago
by Stranger
snackdaddy wrote:Seahags better get all the trash talking out now while they can. The window is closing on them. I think they won't get far in the playoffs this year and they may not even make it next year.

I don't see them beating Cards in Zona.