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PostPosted:4 years 8 months ago
by Elvis
SoCalRam78 wrote:They keep on trading picks for the same position, oh we don't like watkins, lets trade a first for Cooks

Oh, Peters isn't a long term fit, let's trade 2 firsts for Ramsey.

This isn't how you build a sustainable team.

You say that and i don't necessarily disagree, but maybe it's wrong. I mean, this is the most winning we've done in a long time. Maybe with the current CBA where you don't control your rookies for very long, this model makes more sense than either of us are able to appreciate...


PostPosted:4 years 8 months ago
by 69RamFan
Its so ridiculous that some ppl are upset we gave up two 1st round picks,,,
Those picks won't be a top five pick.. most likely, they will be the bottom 10 picks

We just received a proven All Pro Cover CB.... that was a top five pick....
We get him for this year and he is our pick for 2020... That's the bonus that we receive for this season... giving us a chance to possibly making the Playoffs again this year,,, at least that's the plan....

Our only weak link has been the O-line, but I feel that can be recovered by utilizing more of the 12 personnel grouping... especially during passing attempts.
They showed they can zone block pretty good in the run game.....
They are not a power run O-line.... it showed during the 9ers on short yardage opportunity.... They should play more of a spread offense on short yardage....

With RAMS-ey and Young,,, who I think is a great pickup,,, ppl are under estimating him.... Young will be starting soon playing next to Littleton, I would say by two weeks or even after the bye week...


PostPosted:4 years 8 months ago
by SoCalRam78
69RamFan wrote:Its so ridiculous that some ppl are upset we gave up two 1st round picks,,,
Those picks won't be a top five pick.. most likely, they will be the bottom 10 picks

Rams are currently 3-3, the 11th seed in the NFC per ESPN standings, need the link? The two teams ahead of them in their division are 5-0 and 5-1 with wins over the Rams. 12 teams make the playoffs, Rams don't get in (still very likely), the 2020 pick will fall likely between 11-19.


PostPosted:4 years 8 months ago
by phoenixrising
SoCalRam78 wrote:They keep on trading picks for the same position, oh we don't like watkins, lets trade a first for Cooks

Oh, Peters isn't a long term fit, let's trade 2 firsts for Ramsey.

This isn't how you build a sustainable team.

The Rams gave up a 2nd for Watkins and received a 3rd comp pick when he left. And they got one year playing on a rookie contract. That is not so unsustainable.

Harder to defend the Peters acquisition.

Re: WHY?

PostPosted:4 years 8 months ago
by Haden
Peters was the man when they picked him up. Unfortunately, it was proven that he can't play man. Can't hit on them all. It was a good try.


PostPosted:4 years 8 months ago
by rams74
Haden wrote:Peters was the man when they picked him up. Unfortunately, it was proven that he can't play man. Can't hit on them all. It was a good try.

Not only that, we didn't give up 2 firsts to get him. It was a 2nd and a 5th, right? Something like that. And we got something for him in sending him packing. That didn't decimate the building of the team.


PostPosted:4 years 8 months ago
by 69RamFan
SoCalRam78 wrote:Rams are currently 3-3, the 11th seed in the NFC per ESPN standings, need the link? The two teams ahead of them in their division are 5-0 and 5-1 with wins over the Rams. 12 teams make the playoffs, Rams don't get in (still very likely), the 2020 pick will fall likely between 11-19.

Ok based off what you just wrote,,, we get a top five player for this year and next years draft... and All Pro... cover CB.... a known commodity...

Those picks you just mention,,, will be unknown in the NFL...

We don't know that the salary cap will be for next year,,, but from what the words is flying around,,, it will be moving up...

So Im not worried about the salary cap...

All of those trade we made yesterday,,, they are all 24yrs of age,,, a young group...
and speaking of Young,,,, This kid will be starting next to Littleton, I would say by two games...

Then going into the draft for 2020,,,, Will have our 2nd 3rd and 4th picks,,, in which we should be able to get some good Linemen from those rounds...


PostPosted:4 years 8 months ago
by Hacksaw
69RamFan wrote:Ok based off what you just wrote,,, we get a top five player for this year and next years draft... and All Pro... cover CB.... a known commodity...

...... going into the draft for 2020,,,, We'll have our 2nd 3rd and 4th picks,,, in which we should be able to get some good Linemen from those rounds...

Yep, and 1st round O-liners aren't the norm. You can get plenty of beef in 2. And who / what knows what is still up Snead's sleeve. There's even a remote chance they get a 1st back through other moves.


PostPosted:4 years 8 months ago
by ramsman34
Clearly Snead feels we won’t be drafting in The top 10-15, where the bonafide talent usually is. He also clearly feels that lower first round has no more value than second round and the contracts are cheaper in the second. Snead will wheel and deal to get the volume of picks back up. It’s just that those picks will be in the mid and late rounds. It’s worked relatively well so far and we have the best corner in the league now. So it seems like a pattern of “a no brainer” deal Snead is building his rep upon.