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Re: Gregg Williams Press Conference

PostPosted:8 years 7 months ago
by Stranger
ramsman34 wrote:If it weren't for 1 or 2, maybe 3 or 4 plays, things WOULD have been different. Not getting it done, don't doesn't change that. Both O and D failed against the Bears, but mush more so the O.

The Bears did drop 37 on us. It's not like we held them to 17 or less.

Re: Gregg Williams Press Conference

PostPosted:8 years 7 months ago
by dieterbrock
Stranger wrote:Guys, I like GW as well, and our D is certainly our bright spot, but I've gotten tired of listening to coaches tell the fans how we're oh so close, and if it weren't for one of two plays things would have totally been different.

You said it brother.
I'm tired of all the reputation talk and lack of results.
I'm hoping for a spark today from Keenum or it's all over

Re: Gregg Williams Press Conference

PostPosted:8 years 7 months ago
by laram
The Skins game was a bad defensive performance as well for my money. I don't like Williams for several reasons, but IMO this defense would be better playing teams more straight up. He gets to cute for my liking with dropping pass rushers in coverage.

When a guy excels going forward, don't ask him to go backwards.

Btw, is that a 50 year old guy with frosted tips? Ugh

Re: Gregg Williams Press Conference

PostPosted:8 years 7 months ago
by Rams Dominate
ArizonaBlue wrote:
Elvis wrote:GW is entitled to his swagger, we have a really good defense...

Yes, but he might want to re-think that blond streak.

I think he's just accessorizing his head hair to balance with the goatee'... :ugeek:

Re: Gregg Williams Press Conference

PostPosted:8 years 7 months ago
by RedAlice
Rams Dominate wrote:
ArizonaBlue wrote:
Elvis wrote:GW is entitled to his swagger, we have a really good defense...

Yes, but he might want to re-think that blond streak.

I think he's just accessorizing his head hair to balance with the goatee'... :ugeek:

Ha. I made a smirky comment about that stupid streak during the game, and my guy goes - are you sure it's not just grey?

Me: yes, I am sure that the blatant blonde is not grey. :D

Also me: backs away from whatever men want to tell themselves.