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 by aeneas1
6 years 9 months ago
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 Joined:  Sep 13 2015
United States of America   Norcal
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here's a look at week 1 snaps counts...

a couple of things that jump out: the amount of rest the rams defense got because of the huge 4th quarter lead, especially the dbs, who would typically book snap counts in the 85%-90%+ range, not in the low 70% range as was the case last sunday... also, the td the colts finally scored in the fourth quarter, it was against the rams 2s.

another thing that jumps way out is only 7 offensive snaps for tavon, and only 1 receiving target (3 touches on his 7 snaps, 1 catch, 2 runs)... granted, tavon sat out camp/preseason but the word seemed to be he was 100% for week 1, which i thought would have led to more offensive snaps... it seems clear that kupp has secured the slot, but it's interesting that pharoh and reynolds saw so many more snaps than tavon, is he not 100%, is he just not up to speed, gonna be interesting to see how it plays out.... whatever the case, it's encouraging as hell to see the rams do so well on offense despite tavon mia, and the tight ends all but an afterthought in terms of targets.

blue text = backups:


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1 post Jun 17 2024