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 by Hacksaw
9 years 1 week ago
 Total posts:   24523  
 Joined:  Apr 15 2015
United States of America   AT THE BEACH

den-the-coach wrote:
moklerman wrote:I don't see how the stadium task force can try and argue that they don't need the approval of it's citizens on a $1B project.

I would never claim to know how the political machine works but from the citizen side of things, their whole approach stinks. They've alienated the owner of the team and done everything they can to circumvent the checks and balances that prevent frivolous spending.

I concur, but I don't trust the process. One would surmise that allowing approval via a public vote would be prudent, what's the harm? But the timeline is the harm and because of this the judge could decide accordingly. My hope like others is the Judge rules the right way and the public is allowed to vote. It does not take the stadium off the table, but Kroenke can give Nixon a crayon so he can color him gone.

So is it standard operating procedure to have a legal proceeding which might spell doom for the Rams and the stadium initiative there in StL, then have the assigned judge suddenly get sick for 2 weeks so a replacement is is assigned but the defendants don't like him so he his is mysteriously replaced with a judge more sympathetic to the defendants cause who won't allow the plaintiff representatives to speak at the preliminary hearing because the defendant didn't think the court should waste it's time since it's the same argument a bunch of other people are going to make???

Man what a duck. If this is how the task farce is going about business, the NFL better watch it's back if they approve it.

 by Hacksaw
9 years 1 week ago
 Total posts:   24523  
 Joined:  Apr 15 2015
United States of America   AT THE BEACH

So the hearing was extended to June 25. There may be some opposition to this proceeding by then, If it is contested in late June that gives the Gov and Co. 47 days to put a ribbon on it before the meeting on NFL relocation. tic tic tic tic Like the sands through an hourglass, these are the Days Of Our Rams!

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42 posts Jun 17 2024