by St. Loser Fan 2 months 3 weeks ago Total posts: 10798 Joined: May 31 2016 Saint Louis MO Hall of Fame there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #31 St. Louis Giants has a nice ring to it. /s by Dare 2 months 2 weeks ago Total posts: 568 Joined: Mar 09 2024 Tucson, AZ formerly of San Diego Veteran there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #32 There is no question that the Rams organization made multiyear commitments to the ticket organizations when they were building the stadium. It was how Kroenke helped finance the SoFi. I remember hearing about it when it was being built. These organizations get the ticket rights to any event held at SoFi so it's not just about the NFL. Whether or not these marketing arrangements will continue into the future remains to be seen but the time frame I remember seeing when I first heard about it was 10 years. So that means Kroenke can adjust the number of tickets available to them after 2030. It is why the NFL awarded the 2027 Super Bowl to SoFi. So IMO Kroenke will renegotiate the ticket availability agreements after that time frame. It will be up to fans to buy up the season tickets first. It's all about marketing. There wasn't a strong market demand for the tickets back in 2019 so this is how Kroenke filled the seats. I'd be surprised if there wasn't a 5 year adjustment clause in that ticket contract. If fan demand is high then he can reduce the number of tickets available to the agencies. The agencies won't mind because they can simply raise the prices according to the demand. Traveling opposition fans are getting use to attending games at SoFi so they will continue to pay the price even when it goes up.So it's up to Ram fans to buy up those season tickets and not to resell them to recoup their investment. It's a consequence of the NFL temporarily removing the local blackouts as they did a few years ago. In doing so they pumped up interest and demand so now they can more easily market those tickets via the national agencies.Someone has to reimburse Stan for his $6Bn investment. Right now it's the opposition fans. So it's why the team doesn't make a big fuss over it. If I remember right after the 5th year agency ticket availability can be limited to tickets not pre-sold locally. So Ram fans can't really bitch because it will be up to them to limit that number. But sports tickets are infamously difficult to sell in SoCal. SoCal fans tend to be trendy i.e. win and sell tickets but don't win and sales slump. This is the consequence of the NFL ignoring the SoCal market for decades. by St. Loser Fan 2 months 2 weeks ago Total posts: 10798 Joined: May 31 2016 Saint Louis MO Hall of Fame there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #33 Dare wrote:But sports tickets are infamously difficult to sell in SoCal. SoCal fans tend to be trendy i.e. win and sell tickets but don't win and sales slump. This is the consequence of the NFL ignoring the SoCal market for decades.Funny how low attendance after the worst decade in NFL history was viewed as a high crime in St. Louis and justification for moving the team. But when local fans don't attend in LA it's excused as the norm. by Elvis 2 months 2 weeks ago Total posts: 40685 Joined: Mar 28 2015 Los Angeles Administrator Re: there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #34 Rams #6 in attendance with over 73k per game. Not all Rams fans to be sure but the stadium is full every game.The Chargers are doing 70k per game at SoFi. RFU Season Ticket Holder by rams74 2 months 1 week ago Total posts: 1648 Joined: Nov 19 2015 Glendale, Arizona Pro Bowl there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #35 Elvis liked this post St. Loser Fan wrote:Long article with charts, stats and graphs. It talks about the trends league-wide and not just the Seachickens.Watching the game last night, even on TV I could hear the fans chanting, "Go Pack Go" several times during the game. The announcers commented on how many Packers fans were in the building that used to be the biggest home field advantage in the league. 1 by Elvis 2 months 1 week ago Total posts: 40685 Joined: Mar 28 2015 Los Angeles Administrator there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #36 St. Loser Fan liked this post rams74 wrote:Watching the game last night, even on TV I could hear the fans chanting, "Go Pack Go" several times during the game. The announcers commented on how many Packers fans were in the building that used to be the biggest home field advantage in the league.Yep. Home field advantage ain't what it used to be. Fans travel well, teams are really good at operating in the noise. Gambling wise nobody treats it as 3 points anymore, more like 1.5 . RFU Season Ticket Holder 1 by St. Loser Fan 2 months 1 week ago Total posts: 10798 Joined: May 31 2016 Saint Louis MO Hall of Fame there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #37 Elvis wrote:Yep. Home field advantage ain't what it used to be. Fans travel well, teams are really good at operating in the noise. Gambling wise nobody treats it as 3 points anymore, more like 1.5 .Packers fans are going to be that way for a while. All the Boomers and Gen X used to the Favre and Rodgers heydays now have money and the ability/time to travel to road games.Put a Packers game on the moon and they'd fill the stadium. by St. Loser Fan 2 months 11 hours ago Total posts: 10798 Joined: May 31 2016 Saint Louis MO Hall of Fame Re: there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #38 Looked great and sounded nice on TV.This is the way it should be. by Elvis 1 month 4 weeks ago Total posts: 40685 Joined: Mar 28 2015 Los Angeles Administrator Re: there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #39 AZ is always the best home game. Wish i could say it's because Rams fans really show out but it's because AZ doesn't. It was a Saturday night between Xmas and NY's, pretty casual crowd, were doing the wave at one point while the Rams were on offense.Still, way better than what we often get... RFU Season Ticket Holder by St. Loser Fan 5 hours 46 minutes ago Total posts: 10798 Joined: May 31 2016 Saint Louis MO Hall of Fame Re: there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #40 Elvis liked this post The Green Bay Packers are going after ticket flippers. 1 Reply 4 / 4 1 4 Display: All posts1 day7 days2 weeks1 month3 months6 months1 year Sort by: AuthorPost timeSubject Sort by: AscendingDescending Jump to: Forum Rams/NFL Other Sports Rams Fans United Q&A's Board Business 40 posts Feb 28 2025 FOLLOW US @RAMSFANSUNITED Who liked this post
by Dare 2 months 2 weeks ago Total posts: 568 Joined: Mar 09 2024 Tucson, AZ formerly of San Diego Veteran there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #32 There is no question that the Rams organization made multiyear commitments to the ticket organizations when they were building the stadium. It was how Kroenke helped finance the SoFi. I remember hearing about it when it was being built. These organizations get the ticket rights to any event held at SoFi so it's not just about the NFL. Whether or not these marketing arrangements will continue into the future remains to be seen but the time frame I remember seeing when I first heard about it was 10 years. So that means Kroenke can adjust the number of tickets available to them after 2030. It is why the NFL awarded the 2027 Super Bowl to SoFi. So IMO Kroenke will renegotiate the ticket availability agreements after that time frame. It will be up to fans to buy up the season tickets first. It's all about marketing. There wasn't a strong market demand for the tickets back in 2019 so this is how Kroenke filled the seats. I'd be surprised if there wasn't a 5 year adjustment clause in that ticket contract. If fan demand is high then he can reduce the number of tickets available to the agencies. The agencies won't mind because they can simply raise the prices according to the demand. Traveling opposition fans are getting use to attending games at SoFi so they will continue to pay the price even when it goes up.So it's up to Ram fans to buy up those season tickets and not to resell them to recoup their investment. It's a consequence of the NFL temporarily removing the local blackouts as they did a few years ago. In doing so they pumped up interest and demand so now they can more easily market those tickets via the national agencies.Someone has to reimburse Stan for his $6Bn investment. Right now it's the opposition fans. So it's why the team doesn't make a big fuss over it. If I remember right after the 5th year agency ticket availability can be limited to tickets not pre-sold locally. So Ram fans can't really bitch because it will be up to them to limit that number. But sports tickets are infamously difficult to sell in SoCal. SoCal fans tend to be trendy i.e. win and sell tickets but don't win and sales slump. This is the consequence of the NFL ignoring the SoCal market for decades. by St. Loser Fan 2 months 2 weeks ago Total posts: 10798 Joined: May 31 2016 Saint Louis MO Hall of Fame there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #33 Dare wrote:But sports tickets are infamously difficult to sell in SoCal. SoCal fans tend to be trendy i.e. win and sell tickets but don't win and sales slump. This is the consequence of the NFL ignoring the SoCal market for decades.Funny how low attendance after the worst decade in NFL history was viewed as a high crime in St. Louis and justification for moving the team. But when local fans don't attend in LA it's excused as the norm. by Elvis 2 months 2 weeks ago Total posts: 40685 Joined: Mar 28 2015 Los Angeles Administrator Re: there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #34 Rams #6 in attendance with over 73k per game. Not all Rams fans to be sure but the stadium is full every game.The Chargers are doing 70k per game at SoFi. RFU Season Ticket Holder by rams74 2 months 1 week ago Total posts: 1648 Joined: Nov 19 2015 Glendale, Arizona Pro Bowl there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #35 Elvis liked this post St. Loser Fan wrote:Long article with charts, stats and graphs. It talks about the trends league-wide and not just the Seachickens.Watching the game last night, even on TV I could hear the fans chanting, "Go Pack Go" several times during the game. The announcers commented on how many Packers fans were in the building that used to be the biggest home field advantage in the league. 1 by Elvis 2 months 1 week ago Total posts: 40685 Joined: Mar 28 2015 Los Angeles Administrator there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #36 St. Loser Fan liked this post rams74 wrote:Watching the game last night, even on TV I could hear the fans chanting, "Go Pack Go" several times during the game. The announcers commented on how many Packers fans were in the building that used to be the biggest home field advantage in the league.Yep. Home field advantage ain't what it used to be. Fans travel well, teams are really good at operating in the noise. Gambling wise nobody treats it as 3 points anymore, more like 1.5 . RFU Season Ticket Holder 1 by St. Loser Fan 2 months 1 week ago Total posts: 10798 Joined: May 31 2016 Saint Louis MO Hall of Fame there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #37 Elvis wrote:Yep. Home field advantage ain't what it used to be. Fans travel well, teams are really good at operating in the noise. Gambling wise nobody treats it as 3 points anymore, more like 1.5 .Packers fans are going to be that way for a while. All the Boomers and Gen X used to the Favre and Rodgers heydays now have money and the ability/time to travel to road games.Put a Packers game on the moon and they'd fill the stadium. by St. Loser Fan 2 months 11 hours ago Total posts: 10798 Joined: May 31 2016 Saint Louis MO Hall of Fame Re: there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #38 Looked great and sounded nice on TV.This is the way it should be. by Elvis 1 month 4 weeks ago Total posts: 40685 Joined: Mar 28 2015 Los Angeles Administrator Re: there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #39 AZ is always the best home game. Wish i could say it's because Rams fans really show out but it's because AZ doesn't. It was a Saturday night between Xmas and NY's, pretty casual crowd, were doing the wave at one point while the Rams were on offense.Still, way better than what we often get... RFU Season Ticket Holder by St. Loser Fan 5 hours 46 minutes ago Total posts: 10798 Joined: May 31 2016 Saint Louis MO Hall of Fame Re: there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #40 Elvis liked this post The Green Bay Packers are going after ticket flippers. 1 Reply 4 / 4 1 4 Display: All posts1 day7 days2 weeks1 month3 months6 months1 year Sort by: AuthorPost timeSubject Sort by: AscendingDescending Jump to: Forum Rams/NFL Other Sports Rams Fans United Q&A's Board Business 40 posts Feb 28 2025 FOLLOW US @RAMSFANSUNITED Who liked this post
by St. Loser Fan 2 months 2 weeks ago Total posts: 10798 Joined: May 31 2016 Saint Louis MO Hall of Fame there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #33 Dare wrote:But sports tickets are infamously difficult to sell in SoCal. SoCal fans tend to be trendy i.e. win and sell tickets but don't win and sales slump. This is the consequence of the NFL ignoring the SoCal market for decades.Funny how low attendance after the worst decade in NFL history was viewed as a high crime in St. Louis and justification for moving the team. But when local fans don't attend in LA it's excused as the norm. by Elvis 2 months 2 weeks ago Total posts: 40685 Joined: Mar 28 2015 Los Angeles Administrator Re: there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #34 Rams #6 in attendance with over 73k per game. Not all Rams fans to be sure but the stadium is full every game.The Chargers are doing 70k per game at SoFi. RFU Season Ticket Holder by rams74 2 months 1 week ago Total posts: 1648 Joined: Nov 19 2015 Glendale, Arizona Pro Bowl there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #35 Elvis liked this post St. Loser Fan wrote:Long article with charts, stats and graphs. It talks about the trends league-wide and not just the Seachickens.Watching the game last night, even on TV I could hear the fans chanting, "Go Pack Go" several times during the game. The announcers commented on how many Packers fans were in the building that used to be the biggest home field advantage in the league. 1 by Elvis 2 months 1 week ago Total posts: 40685 Joined: Mar 28 2015 Los Angeles Administrator there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #36 St. Loser Fan liked this post rams74 wrote:Watching the game last night, even on TV I could hear the fans chanting, "Go Pack Go" several times during the game. The announcers commented on how many Packers fans were in the building that used to be the biggest home field advantage in the league.Yep. Home field advantage ain't what it used to be. Fans travel well, teams are really good at operating in the noise. Gambling wise nobody treats it as 3 points anymore, more like 1.5 . RFU Season Ticket Holder 1 by St. Loser Fan 2 months 1 week ago Total posts: 10798 Joined: May 31 2016 Saint Louis MO Hall of Fame there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #37 Elvis wrote:Yep. Home field advantage ain't what it used to be. Fans travel well, teams are really good at operating in the noise. Gambling wise nobody treats it as 3 points anymore, more like 1.5 .Packers fans are going to be that way for a while. All the Boomers and Gen X used to the Favre and Rodgers heydays now have money and the ability/time to travel to road games.Put a Packers game on the moon and they'd fill the stadium. by St. Loser Fan 2 months 11 hours ago Total posts: 10798 Joined: May 31 2016 Saint Louis MO Hall of Fame Re: there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #38 Looked great and sounded nice on TV.This is the way it should be. by Elvis 1 month 4 weeks ago Total posts: 40685 Joined: Mar 28 2015 Los Angeles Administrator Re: there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #39 AZ is always the best home game. Wish i could say it's because Rams fans really show out but it's because AZ doesn't. It was a Saturday night between Xmas and NY's, pretty casual crowd, were doing the wave at one point while the Rams were on offense.Still, way better than what we often get... RFU Season Ticket Holder by St. Loser Fan 5 hours 46 minutes ago Total posts: 10798 Joined: May 31 2016 Saint Louis MO Hall of Fame Re: there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #40 Elvis liked this post The Green Bay Packers are going after ticket flippers. 1 Reply 4 / 4 1 4 Display: All posts1 day7 days2 weeks1 month3 months6 months1 year Sort by: AuthorPost timeSubject Sort by: AscendingDescending Jump to: Forum Rams/NFL Other Sports Rams Fans United Q&A's Board Business 40 posts Feb 28 2025 FOLLOW US @RAMSFANSUNITED Who liked this post
by Elvis 2 months 2 weeks ago Total posts: 40685 Joined: Mar 28 2015 Los Angeles Administrator Re: there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #34 Rams #6 in attendance with over 73k per game. Not all Rams fans to be sure but the stadium is full every game.The Chargers are doing 70k per game at SoFi. RFU Season Ticket Holder by rams74 2 months 1 week ago Total posts: 1648 Joined: Nov 19 2015 Glendale, Arizona Pro Bowl there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #35 Elvis liked this post St. Loser Fan wrote:Long article with charts, stats and graphs. It talks about the trends league-wide and not just the Seachickens.Watching the game last night, even on TV I could hear the fans chanting, "Go Pack Go" several times during the game. The announcers commented on how many Packers fans were in the building that used to be the biggest home field advantage in the league. 1 by Elvis 2 months 1 week ago Total posts: 40685 Joined: Mar 28 2015 Los Angeles Administrator there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #36 St. Loser Fan liked this post rams74 wrote:Watching the game last night, even on TV I could hear the fans chanting, "Go Pack Go" several times during the game. The announcers commented on how many Packers fans were in the building that used to be the biggest home field advantage in the league.Yep. Home field advantage ain't what it used to be. Fans travel well, teams are really good at operating in the noise. Gambling wise nobody treats it as 3 points anymore, more like 1.5 . RFU Season Ticket Holder 1 by St. Loser Fan 2 months 1 week ago Total posts: 10798 Joined: May 31 2016 Saint Louis MO Hall of Fame there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #37 Elvis wrote:Yep. Home field advantage ain't what it used to be. Fans travel well, teams are really good at operating in the noise. Gambling wise nobody treats it as 3 points anymore, more like 1.5 .Packers fans are going to be that way for a while. All the Boomers and Gen X used to the Favre and Rodgers heydays now have money and the ability/time to travel to road games.Put a Packers game on the moon and they'd fill the stadium. by St. Loser Fan 2 months 11 hours ago Total posts: 10798 Joined: May 31 2016 Saint Louis MO Hall of Fame Re: there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #38 Looked great and sounded nice on TV.This is the way it should be. by Elvis 1 month 4 weeks ago Total posts: 40685 Joined: Mar 28 2015 Los Angeles Administrator Re: there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #39 AZ is always the best home game. Wish i could say it's because Rams fans really show out but it's because AZ doesn't. It was a Saturday night between Xmas and NY's, pretty casual crowd, were doing the wave at one point while the Rams were on offense.Still, way better than what we often get... RFU Season Ticket Holder by St. Loser Fan 5 hours 46 minutes ago Total posts: 10798 Joined: May 31 2016 Saint Louis MO Hall of Fame Re: there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #40 Elvis liked this post The Green Bay Packers are going after ticket flippers. 1 Reply 4 / 4 1 4 Display: All posts1 day7 days2 weeks1 month3 months6 months1 year Sort by: AuthorPost timeSubject Sort by: AscendingDescending Jump to: Forum Rams/NFL Other Sports Rams Fans United Q&A's Board Business 40 posts Feb 28 2025 FOLLOW US @RAMSFANSUNITED Who liked this post
by rams74 2 months 1 week ago Total posts: 1648 Joined: Nov 19 2015 Glendale, Arizona Pro Bowl there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #35 Elvis liked this post St. Loser Fan wrote:Long article with charts, stats and graphs. It talks about the trends league-wide and not just the Seachickens.Watching the game last night, even on TV I could hear the fans chanting, "Go Pack Go" several times during the game. The announcers commented on how many Packers fans were in the building that used to be the biggest home field advantage in the league. 1 by Elvis 2 months 1 week ago Total posts: 40685 Joined: Mar 28 2015 Los Angeles Administrator there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #36 St. Loser Fan liked this post rams74 wrote:Watching the game last night, even on TV I could hear the fans chanting, "Go Pack Go" several times during the game. The announcers commented on how many Packers fans were in the building that used to be the biggest home field advantage in the league.Yep. Home field advantage ain't what it used to be. Fans travel well, teams are really good at operating in the noise. Gambling wise nobody treats it as 3 points anymore, more like 1.5 . RFU Season Ticket Holder 1 by St. Loser Fan 2 months 1 week ago Total posts: 10798 Joined: May 31 2016 Saint Louis MO Hall of Fame there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #37 Elvis wrote:Yep. Home field advantage ain't what it used to be. Fans travel well, teams are really good at operating in the noise. Gambling wise nobody treats it as 3 points anymore, more like 1.5 .Packers fans are going to be that way for a while. All the Boomers and Gen X used to the Favre and Rodgers heydays now have money and the ability/time to travel to road games.Put a Packers game on the moon and they'd fill the stadium. by St. Loser Fan 2 months 11 hours ago Total posts: 10798 Joined: May 31 2016 Saint Louis MO Hall of Fame Re: there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #38 Looked great and sounded nice on TV.This is the way it should be. by Elvis 1 month 4 weeks ago Total posts: 40685 Joined: Mar 28 2015 Los Angeles Administrator Re: there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #39 AZ is always the best home game. Wish i could say it's because Rams fans really show out but it's because AZ doesn't. It was a Saturday night between Xmas and NY's, pretty casual crowd, were doing the wave at one point while the Rams were on offense.Still, way better than what we often get... RFU Season Ticket Holder by St. Loser Fan 5 hours 46 minutes ago Total posts: 10798 Joined: May 31 2016 Saint Louis MO Hall of Fame Re: there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #40 Elvis liked this post The Green Bay Packers are going after ticket flippers. 1 Reply 4 / 4 1 4 Display: All posts1 day7 days2 weeks1 month3 months6 months1 year Sort by: AuthorPost timeSubject Sort by: AscendingDescending Jump to: Forum Rams/NFL Other Sports Rams Fans United Q&A's Board Business 40 posts Feb 28 2025
by Elvis 2 months 1 week ago Total posts: 40685 Joined: Mar 28 2015 Los Angeles Administrator there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #36 St. Loser Fan liked this post rams74 wrote:Watching the game last night, even on TV I could hear the fans chanting, "Go Pack Go" several times during the game. The announcers commented on how many Packers fans were in the building that used to be the biggest home field advantage in the league.Yep. Home field advantage ain't what it used to be. Fans travel well, teams are really good at operating in the noise. Gambling wise nobody treats it as 3 points anymore, more like 1.5 . RFU Season Ticket Holder 1 by St. Loser Fan 2 months 1 week ago Total posts: 10798 Joined: May 31 2016 Saint Louis MO Hall of Fame there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #37 Elvis wrote:Yep. Home field advantage ain't what it used to be. Fans travel well, teams are really good at operating in the noise. Gambling wise nobody treats it as 3 points anymore, more like 1.5 .Packers fans are going to be that way for a while. All the Boomers and Gen X used to the Favre and Rodgers heydays now have money and the ability/time to travel to road games.Put a Packers game on the moon and they'd fill the stadium. by St. Loser Fan 2 months 11 hours ago Total posts: 10798 Joined: May 31 2016 Saint Louis MO Hall of Fame Re: there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #38 Looked great and sounded nice on TV.This is the way it should be. by Elvis 1 month 4 weeks ago Total posts: 40685 Joined: Mar 28 2015 Los Angeles Administrator Re: there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #39 AZ is always the best home game. Wish i could say it's because Rams fans really show out but it's because AZ doesn't. It was a Saturday night between Xmas and NY's, pretty casual crowd, were doing the wave at one point while the Rams were on offense.Still, way better than what we often get... RFU Season Ticket Holder by St. Loser Fan 5 hours 46 minutes ago Total posts: 10798 Joined: May 31 2016 Saint Louis MO Hall of Fame Re: there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #40 Elvis liked this post The Green Bay Packers are going after ticket flippers. 1 Reply 4 / 4 1 4 Display: All posts1 day7 days2 weeks1 month3 months6 months1 year Sort by: AuthorPost timeSubject Sort by: AscendingDescending Jump to: Forum Rams/NFL Other Sports Rams Fans United Q&A's Board Business 40 posts Feb 28 2025
by St. Loser Fan 2 months 1 week ago Total posts: 10798 Joined: May 31 2016 Saint Louis MO Hall of Fame there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #37 Elvis wrote:Yep. Home field advantage ain't what it used to be. Fans travel well, teams are really good at operating in the noise. Gambling wise nobody treats it as 3 points anymore, more like 1.5 .Packers fans are going to be that way for a while. All the Boomers and Gen X used to the Favre and Rodgers heydays now have money and the ability/time to travel to road games.Put a Packers game on the moon and they'd fill the stadium. by St. Loser Fan 2 months 11 hours ago Total posts: 10798 Joined: May 31 2016 Saint Louis MO Hall of Fame Re: there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #38 Looked great and sounded nice on TV.This is the way it should be. by Elvis 1 month 4 weeks ago Total posts: 40685 Joined: Mar 28 2015 Los Angeles Administrator Re: there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #39 AZ is always the best home game. Wish i could say it's because Rams fans really show out but it's because AZ doesn't. It was a Saturday night between Xmas and NY's, pretty casual crowd, were doing the wave at one point while the Rams were on offense.Still, way better than what we often get... RFU Season Ticket Holder by St. Loser Fan 5 hours 46 minutes ago Total posts: 10798 Joined: May 31 2016 Saint Louis MO Hall of Fame Re: there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #40 Elvis liked this post The Green Bay Packers are going after ticket flippers. 1 Reply 4 / 4 1 4 Display: All posts1 day7 days2 weeks1 month3 months6 months1 year Sort by: AuthorPost timeSubject Sort by: AscendingDescending Jump to: Forum Rams/NFL Other Sports Rams Fans United Q&A's Board Business 40 posts Feb 28 2025
by St. Loser Fan 2 months 11 hours ago Total posts: 10798 Joined: May 31 2016 Saint Louis MO Hall of Fame Re: there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #38 Looked great and sounded nice on TV.This is the way it should be. by Elvis 1 month 4 weeks ago Total posts: 40685 Joined: Mar 28 2015 Los Angeles Administrator Re: there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #39 AZ is always the best home game. Wish i could say it's because Rams fans really show out but it's because AZ doesn't. It was a Saturday night between Xmas and NY's, pretty casual crowd, were doing the wave at one point while the Rams were on offense.Still, way better than what we often get... RFU Season Ticket Holder by St. Loser Fan 5 hours 46 minutes ago Total posts: 10798 Joined: May 31 2016 Saint Louis MO Hall of Fame Re: there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #40 Elvis liked this post The Green Bay Packers are going after ticket flippers. 1 Reply 4 / 4 1 4 Display: All posts1 day7 days2 weeks1 month3 months6 months1 year Sort by: AuthorPost timeSubject Sort by: AscendingDescending Jump to: Forum Rams/NFL Other Sports Rams Fans United Q&A's Board Business 40 posts Feb 28 2025
by Elvis 1 month 4 weeks ago Total posts: 40685 Joined: Mar 28 2015 Los Angeles Administrator Re: there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #39 AZ is always the best home game. Wish i could say it's because Rams fans really show out but it's because AZ doesn't. It was a Saturday night between Xmas and NY's, pretty casual crowd, were doing the wave at one point while the Rams were on offense.Still, way better than what we often get... RFU Season Ticket Holder by St. Loser Fan 5 hours 46 minutes ago Total posts: 10798 Joined: May 31 2016 Saint Louis MO Hall of Fame Re: there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #40 Elvis liked this post The Green Bay Packers are going after ticket flippers. 1 Reply 4 / 4 1 4 Display: All posts1 day7 days2 weeks1 month3 months6 months1 year Sort by: AuthorPost timeSubject Sort by: AscendingDescending Jump to: Forum Rams/NFL Other Sports Rams Fans United Q&A's Board Business 40 posts Feb 28 2025
by St. Loser Fan 5 hours 46 minutes ago Total posts: 10798 Joined: May 31 2016 Saint Louis MO Hall of Fame Re: there is no way that Rams fans who bought STs are selling 35K a game POST #40 Elvis liked this post The Green Bay Packers are going after ticket flippers. 1 Reply 4 / 4 1 4 Display: All posts1 day7 days2 weeks1 month3 months6 months1 year Sort by: AuthorPost timeSubject Sort by: AscendingDescending Jump to: Forum Rams/NFL Other Sports Rams Fans United Q&A's Board Business