by ramman2999 8 hours 17 minutes ago Total posts: 801 Joined: Nov 23 2022 LA Coliseum Veteran Rams gave Stafford and his agent premission to seek a trade POST #21 Didnt the Ravens do this with Lamar Jackson? Who some would argue is the best player in the league? Some would argue is the best Quarterback in the league? 1. Is this a Quarterback for Quarterback trade Matthew Stafford for Trevor Lawrence. 2. Is this most realistic what Rams want Matthew Stafford to the New York Giants for the number 4 pick???? Which in all likelyhood would be Cam Ward. 3. Stafford stay and get paid. Could see it happening. 4. My thing is they will look to Quarterback needed teams gauge interest Raiders Giants Jets and see what they can get. I still think they want Ward. 5. Sign Stafford Keep Stafford and just draft Sheduer Sanders when he falls to you. Reply 3 / 3 1 3 Display: All posts1 day7 days2 weeks1 month3 months6 months1 year Sort by: AuthorPost timeSubject Sort by: AscendingDescending Jump to: Forum Rams/NFL Other Sports Rams Fans United Q&A's Board Business