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 by ramsww
3 days 10 hours ago
 Total posts:   480  
 Joined:  Aug 11 2022
United States of America   LA Coliseum

I was surprised to see Hacksaw Reynolds played 11 years for the Rams and only 4 in SF but took home 2 Super Bowl rings. Few remember his days as a Ram. Others I hated to see go could make up a HOF team but Jerome Bettis, Kevin Greene, and Kurt Warner all played for many years after they left the Rams. Greene retired as a Steeler, Warner as a Cardinal. Many greats like Namath, Rice and Montana have ended up in other jerseys but the Georgia years were particularly tough with Eric Dickerson, London Fletcher, Warner and others leaving in their prime. Many reasons, injuries, money but Isaac Bruce in a 49er uni? That was not real was it?

 by ramsww
3 days 1 hour ago
 Total posts:   480  
 Joined:  Aug 11 2022
United States of America   LA Coliseum

I should add, it’s great to see Eric Dickerson back on the sidelines and embracing his time as a Ram.

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3 posts Jul 08 2024