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 by Haden
5 months 2 weeks ago
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Makes me like Detroit less. I'm no TB fan, but I'd like to see Mayfield take them out.

 by actionjack
5 months 2 weeks ago
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He is dirty as f, he lead with his head to the knee not the thigh.

I felt the Lions were def playing on the edge of dirty as a team, look of head hunting when they had the opp.

Def makes them hard to cheer for (but I will always hate the niner fans-niners more).

 by bremillard
5 months 2 weeks ago
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Hits like that are part of the new NFL where anything above the shoulders is frowned upon and even fined. I'd guess that most receivers would rather take one to the head than to get broke apart like that but in the end this is football and at almost any level it's a tough game.

5 months 2 weeks ago
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bremillard wrote:Hits like that are part of the new NFL where anything above the shoulders is frowned upon and even fined. I'd guess that most receivers would rather take one to the head than to get broke apart like that but in the end this is football and at almost any level it's a tough game.

During one of the telecasts....it may have been the Rams game....they said, "if you polled NFL players, they'd say they'd rather get hit high than low." Obviously that would not include WRs going across the middle and getting head hunted. But they fear knee hits more than head hits.

 by ramsman34
5 months 2 weeks ago
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You’re out, more often than not, a few weeks with concussions. You’re out for season+ with torn ACL+. They make their living being able to play. It’s that simple.

That hit was borderline dirty. The head hunting/head hits happened at least 3 times, none were called.

Still, convert in the redzone and it doesn’t matter - except Higs is gone for likely all of next season. And that is shitty.

 by ramsman34
5 months 1 week ago
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Also love the fact the Staff called him out. Kid better have his head on a swivel when we meet up next season. I have a feeling we treat them like SF and are the more physical team.

 by actionjack
5 months 1 week ago
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United States of America   Sactown

ramsman34 wrote:Also love the fact the Staff called him out. Kid better have his head on a swivel when we meet up next season. I have a feeling we treat them like SF and are the more physical team.

Might as well post his whole mic'd up...

https://www.therams.com/video/matthew-s ... -wild-card

That game next year is going to be heated, oh my. You could also see Stafford was a bit irritated with the reception he got. There is a def a deep competitiveness in Staff (that I love) that loves being bad guy and winning. Dark Stafford lives!!

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10 posts Jul 03 2024