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 by dieterbrock
9 years 3 weeks ago
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 Joined:  Mar 31 2015
United States of America   New Jersey
Hall of Fame

I don't desire to kick off a Bradford debate but we have a guy who's going under center who has played qb in the NFL at a higher level than Bradford ever has. I want a "franchise qb" too but know that Sam wasn't it.

In my Rams history I've seen some marquee players get let go, Wendell Tyler, Eric Dickerson, Jerome Bettis, Vince ferragamo (the first time) Kurt Warner etc and I was devastated at the time but never wavered in my passion for the team. And somehow Bradford is held in a higher regard despite never producing anything remotely close to their success.
Never understand it

 by Hacksaw
9 years 3 weeks ago
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United States of America   AT THE BEACH

deiter, my guess is that folks put Sam in rarefied air since he was the coveted 1st pick and then the size of his contract. That whole deal was snake bit from the start. Maybe it was an StL thing since the kid was a semi-local mid-west guy.
I was in the Suh camp and never thought Sam was the man. Sure he can throw the ball good and hard but Warner showed us all what special was and Bradford never measured up.
I'm thrilled he's gone and am fairly certain that Nick Foles will shine by comparison this coming season,, ,, ,, if he can stay upright. Heck if he has another '13 season he may just be our 'franchise QB.. Hoping so and his blond hair will fit right in in LA. :shock:

 by dieterbrock
9 years 3 weeks ago
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Hall of Fame

Back on topic though, and mind you that I'm pretty impartial as I'm on the east coast.
What I find frustrating is that any pro-LA info is deemed as wild speculation while any denial of such is instantly deemed as truth.

 by Hacksaw
9 years 3 weeks ago
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United States of America   AT THE BEACH

deiter, it is most likely a result of the sites we visit being StL Rams sites in general. I've questioned why there is so much fervor in the relocation topics. Arguing (discussing) the minutia to the point of exhaustion. I asked once, is it because we are trying to prove the other guy wrong or to prove ourselves right so we can sleep better.
i feel for those guys in StL as they live in a beautiful community and are great sports fans but their city just is where the money is. Mt Kroenke is a smart man and is about the money first apparently. I feel certain that when he had a chance to exercise his first right of refusal to buy the Rams, he saw that vacancy in the 2nd largest market and was likely knowledgeable of the financial health of the CVC . As far as making his case, the word 'arbitration' comes to the forefront.

I have been as frustrated as you about the denial thing but when the truth comes out, those in denial are in for a rude awakening. And I will find NO pleasure in that. (If they really do move)

 by Elvis
9 years 3 weeks ago
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United States of America   Los Angeles

California has 39 million people. Missouri has 6 million. If MO can support 2 teams, CA can support 12. If MO can only support 1, CA can support 6, twice as many as we have now. Los Angeles County has more people than all of MO. The difference in scale is huge.

The thing is, those who are in what we see as denial and strike out against any pro L.A. news will most likely not be fans if the Rams do move. They're not gonna have to live it down if they're wrong. And there are the Jason Cole type articles saying the Rams will likely stay in St. Louis so it's not as if they have nothing to hang their hats on.

It's a little nerve wracking but it's also pretty exciting. Obviously people like me and Hacksaw will be bummed if the Rams don't come home after our hopes have gotten so high. But we've been fans for a long time, and whatever happens, we're not going anywhere. So i guess that makes fans like us a little more cautious/reasonable...

 by Hacksaw
9 years 3 weeks ago
 Total posts:   24523  
 Joined:  Apr 15 2015
United States of America   AT THE BEACH

Elvis wrote:California has 39 million people. Missouri has 6 million. If MO can support 2 teams, CA can support 12. If MO can only support 1, CA can support 6, twice as many as we have now. Los Angeles County has more people than all of MO. The difference in scale is huge.

The thing is, those who are in what we see as denial and strike out against any pro L.A. news will most likely not be fans if the Rams do move. They're not gonna have to live it down if they're wrong. And there are the Jason Cole type articles saying the Rams will likely stay in St. Louis so it's not as if they have nothing to hang their hats on.

It's a little nerve wracking but it's also pretty exciting. Obviously people like me and Hacksaw will be bummed if the Rams don't come home after our hopes have gotten so high. But we've been fans for a long time, and whatever happens, we're not going anywhere. So i guess that makes fans like us a little more cautious/reasonable...

Now I need the LIKE button. That is a good feature....

We LA Rams guys were kind of the outsiders all this time. Perhaps the shoes will swap feet. It pretty much depends on the league owners priorities. It' been reported that the owners have been excited over Inglewood and I can imagine all of them diggin' on the place,,, except for those who really have something to lose or are very close to an owner who is.

And for what other reasons would an owner oppose?

To nix Stan (assuming he vote yes on his own project), the Charaiders only need 6 more or a total of 8 nay votes to block. (If the vote happens or matters anyway)

Can we guess who's on that list?
1. Spanos
2. Davis (for now)

I guess it's assumed that if the Rams are being blocked, then Charaiders won't. But why couldn't Stan get his 8 votes to block the others from moving too?

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16 posts Jun 17 2024