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 by ramman2999
5 months 2 weeks ago
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United States of America   LA Coliseum

This is why the NFL is rigged.

Why get rid of a pass interference rule. We can challenge completion. But we can’t challenge a pass interference??? It was clear as day those two were pass interference.

Robinson gets tackled no call!!!!!

Nakua game on the line. No call!!!!! How else does Cam Sutton stop Puka Nakua???? He put 200 yds. Receiving on him in a playoff game.

If doesn’t P.I. Nacua catches that ball and might score. So he does the best he can do and grabs him. Throw the flag. Why not?????

Why???? Because it’s Detroit and the Refs don’t want to be the ones to prevent Detroit’s first playoff win. It’s all a joke.

If that was in Sofi the flag would’ve been thrown. What shit consistency. Just be consistent. You called it on the rams on the first drive when the Lions scored a touchdown.

Fuck these refs.

 by ramsman34
5 months 2 weeks ago
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Rigged might be a bridge too far but everything you’re saying ain’t wrong.

 by bremillard
5 months 2 weeks ago
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ramsman34 wrote:Rigged might be a bridge too far but everything you’re saying ain’t wrong.

Rigged? lol.
There was a blown P.I. call that could have changed the outcome but there was also a blown offsides call much earlier that would have given the Lions a first down when they were red hot. The breaks may not completely even out but the Rams had a lot of chances in the red zone that ended in field goals instead of TD's and that's what got them. The team is impressive and I look for great things moving forward. They actually outplayed Detroit in the second half but came out a little stiff in the game and Goff got them early. I do feel that if the game had another 5 minutes the Rams would have won.

5 months 2 weeks ago
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"Don't let it come down to officiating". When you allow that to happen, you have earned what you get. We had plenty of opportunities to prevent it but we failed. The blame lies at our feet, not the officials.

Why take anything away from the Lions? It's not like we lost to Seattle. Or Jacksonville. Or some other half assed team. They are a talented team built by a guy who learned his trade with the Rams. With a QB who made Ram fans feel like winners again after losing horribly for a dozen years. They won their division, hosted a postseason game for the first time in over 30 years and won by 1 point. Now they advance to the divisional round because they beat a young, scrappy team, who crashed the playoff party and gave them all they could handle.

Kudos to them. We'll meet again next year and if they're lucky they might return to the playoffs to meet us a second time. :lol2: But right now, I'm rooting for them to advance so our young guys can say, "we could have beat THAT TEAM, with just a little better effort".

 by bremillard
5 months 2 weeks ago
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PARAM wrote:"Don't let it come down to officiating". When you allow that to happen, you have earned what you get. We had plenty of opportunities to prevent it but we failed. The blame lies at our feet, not the officials.

Why take anything away from the Lions? It's not like we lost to Seattle. Or Jacksonville. Or some other half assed team. They are a talented team built by a guy who learned his trade with the Rams. With a QB who made Ram fans feel like winners again after losing horribly for a dozen years. They won their division, hosted a postseason game for the first time in over 30 years and won by 1 point. Now they advance to the divisional round because they beat a young, scrappy team, who crashed the playoff party and gave them all they could handle.

Kudos to them. We'll meet again next year and if they're lucky they might return to the playoffs to meet us a second time. :lol2: But right now, I'm rooting for them to advance so our young guys can say, "we could have beat THAT TEAM, with just a little better effort".

Damn Para...EXACTLY how I see this.

 by ramman2999
5 months 2 weeks ago
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Wish Mcvay would’ve had a little Dan Campbell and went for it on some of those 4th downs instead of kicking field goals. And got Touchdoens .

 by 69superbowl1
5 months 2 weeks ago
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Not "rigged." Frankly, almost nothing is "rigged"; that's fiction.

Let's face it: Coming into this game the Rams were the better team. Playing great the last 7-8 weeks, better offense, better defense. [Special Teams shall not be spoken of or I else I break out in rampant, high volume profanity.] But the litte teeny, eensy-weensy, small market, lousy real estate market Detroit Lions coaches, players and fans were geeked out of their multi-generational minds because of the chasm of anything approaching a good team for the lifetimes of all those fans. What I saw was the INTENSITY of the Detroit offense, defense and special teams to be off the charts. The Rams were absolutely steamrolled on defense for most of the first half. Matthew Stafford, one tough emm-in-effer, did a great job
keeping the Rams in the game by halftime. It could have - and probably should have - been a lot worse.

As usual, the Ram second half defense was much better (a trait that is both commendable and godwaful frustrating), combined with a little conservative play calling by Detroit. What did not change was the intensity of the Detroit defense. Their secondary flat out sucks, yet they kept hitting, gang tackling and hitting hard. Was it too much? Was it after the whistle?, was it dirty? For a mid-season game, meh, maybe. For the first real chance at a playoff win in Detroit in decades, hell no!

Aaaaand, McVay went McVay with the stupid timeouts and pass-heavy play calling and oddly making the wrong choice on the 4th down opportunity. The inevitable "Ignorant NFL Referee Penalty Lottery" eventually went the Lions' way as well. And yet, the young surprising Rams still had a shot at winning. The Detroit crowd, as annoying as it was, did a spectacular job of not only interfering with the Ram offense, but keeping the hometown team fired-the-eff-up for 60 minutes. It was frankly as impressive a crowd performance as the intensity was by the players.

In the end, both teams played their guts out. The Lions had a little extra in the tank, owned the field position game (Rams need a better punter or the new dude needs to figure out how to pin a team inside the 10) and caught more penalty breaks.

 by Elvis
5 months 2 weeks ago
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I don't know that the Rams were the better team. Detroit's offense is much better than the Rams defense.

I'm a little disappointed that the Rams offense wasn't better able to exploit their defense.

And of course Detroit has a big home field advantage...

 by snackdaddy
5 months 2 weeks ago
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I won't go so far as to say rigged. Just bad officiating. And poor execution in the red zone. The way the Lions were determined to stop the run there should have been opportunities to torch them in the air. They had 3 redzone trips with 3 touchdowns. We had 3 trips with 3 field goals. That was the difference.

 by ramman2999
5 months 2 weeks ago
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16 posts Jul 03 2024