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 by bubbaramfan
9 years 3 months ago
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Bob Blitz telling the judge they have the money from the motel, etc when they don't may affect the judge's ruling

 by Hacksaw
9 years 3 months ago
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David Hunn Discuss Stadium Tax Revenue, City Hearing on Public

http://www.insidestl.com/insideSTLc...- ... -Vote.aspx

St. Louis Post-Dispatch reporter David Hunn on Tuesday wrote that existing Edward Jones Dome tax revenues may not be enough to cover the city's share of a new stadium,
contradicting stadium backers who've argued city taxpayers won't have to pay new, additional taxes.

Hunn joined The Hollywood Casino Press Box to further discuss his piece and talk about the latest he's hearing on the stadium projects both in St. Louis and in the Los Angeles area.

We've transcribed most of the notable excerpts below. You can listen to the whole thing here:

When are we going to find out if the stadium project has to go to a public vote?

"I expect to hear something soon. The lawyers don't want to talk about it, the judge obviously won't. But generally, people think he's going to move quickly on this because he feels like he needs to move quickly, the process needs him to move quickly."

More on a possible city vote:

"The vote in the city matters a lot. If it has to go to a vote in the city's that's really going to be a new wrinkle in the stadium planners' game."

Can you try to explain your article and how the tax revenue works in paying for a new stadium?

"To make long story short, city leaders asked the city budget director to crunch the numbers. (They wanted to know) roughly what tax revenues do the Rams provide the city of St. Louis? And the answer was about $4.2 million a year. The debt service the city pays on the Edward Jones Dome is about $6 million a year. Just taking the Rams tax revenues into account, they come about $1.8 million short from paying down the annual debt on the Dome. The one thing that's not included...for instance, the St. Louis CVC, they go out and get conventions to come. About a dozen of those conventions wouldn't be able to come here if it wasn't for the Dome. The city makes a lot of tax money on those convention go-ers. This is a tough picture and it's really unclear if the Dome pays for itself or not."

Will these lawsuit verdicts have some appeals that could delay the stadium project?

"This is just my opinion...My understanding of this is that appeals wouldn't stop the project. They'd have to basically persuade a judge to stop work on a project and I don't think that's an easy thing to do. If they appeal...I think the work would just progress as normal."

What do you know about the NFL meetings in August?

"What they've said is they're going to hear options in Los Angeles. But now they may be taking a step back. I think the truthful answer is we don't know what's going to happen with those meetings."

How far along is the Carson project?

"I think (Rams owner Stan) Kroenke is more respected than people understand. He's a billionaire who's very successful. The other NFL owners want a team in LA and if they perceive that Kroenke gives them the best chance...I don't think they'll care if he's respected. But the Carson project is coming along nicely. People suggest it's catching up to Kroenke's project in Inglewood. We haven't heard from Kroenke in a while. I think it's foolish to think (his Inglewood) project is not making progress just because we haven't heard from him."

Doesn't it seem to make the most sense to go with the Carson project, since that would solve the Raiders' and Chargers' stadium issues and St. Louis has made the most progres with a new stadium?

"I think the wrinkle in that is Kroenke clearly wants to leave. That has to play some role. On top of that, there are problems with the Carson site. There were hurdles initially. If Carson and Inglewood are neck and neck, that puts the NFL in a really interesting spot. "

What is a possible stumbling block for Kroenke's Inglewood project?

"I think the one stumbling block would be can the NFL prevent him from moving there. The St. Louis plan is far, far along in comparison to the Raiders or San Diego. There really is no comparison. So that's the biggest stumbling block, St. Louis.

 by moklerman
9 years 3 months ago
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Again, it's a plan based on at least $450M coming from the team in various forms. Basically, it depends on a team forking over a lot of money. The NFL can't make Stan spend his money where they want him to. In my mind, St. Louis doesn't actually have a viable plan. The financing is at best, shaky and more likely doesn't exist.

 by Hacksaw
9 years 3 months ago
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moklerman wrote:Again, it's a plan based on at least $450M coming from the team in various forms. Basically, it depends on a team forking over a lot of money. The NFL can't make Stan spend his money where they want him to. In my mind, St. Louis doesn't actually have a viable plan. The financing is at best, shaky and more likely doesn't exist.

There are many who have stated that if StL comes up with 1/2, then by comparison to SD and Oakland, they would have to be seriously considered in the game. There could be other reasons for that narrative, like the motivation to be perceived as fair and benevolent. Empty seats are bad for the league image as well.

The task force was getting a lot of hoopla for getting out of the gate so fast. Now it's been reported they started way before. On one hand this position benefits them as it suggests that they have been working on it longer. However, it also shows their pace and with the clock running out I'd expect to hear some kind of news to bolster the public's perception of their chances. The task force was reportedly not invited to the owners meeting so the days/weeks leading up is when I bet we hear something from them. Like soon..

Boy to be a fly on the wall in the meeting suites when Spanos and Kroenke "discuss" what's happening.

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14 posts Oct 17 2024