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 by fletch59
4 years 7 months ago
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Its disgusting to all of us.

 by Mr. Sparkle
4 years 7 months ago
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United States of America   Orange County Ca.

a one score game on the road going into the half is a disaster?

 by bremillard
4 years 7 months ago
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I predicted after the Super Bowl loss that the Rams would not make the payoffs this season. Their offense without Gurley being healthy was nonexistent. I truly hoped that they would wait until this season was complete before deciding on Goff's worth. They gave the ranch to Goff and now what they have invested in two ineffective players, Goff and Gurley, will insure they will remain mediocre for a while. McVay is not the offensive genius many anointed him as being. Add this all up and you get what we are watching in Pittsburgh.

 by R4L
4 years 7 months ago
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Pro Bowl

bremillard wrote:I predicted after the Super Bowl loss that the Rams would not make the payoffs this season. Their offense without Gurley being healthy was nonexistent. I truly hoped that they would wait until this season was complete before deciding on Goff's worth. They gave the ranch to Goff and now what they have invested in two ineffective players, Goff and Gurley, will insure they will remain mediocre for a while. McVay is not the offensive genius many anointed him as being. Add this all up and you get what we are watching in Pittsburgh.

Truest post I've seen in a while.

 by fletch59
4 years 7 months ago
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One drive baby

 by fletch59
4 years 7 months ago
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Ok i give up lol

 by Haden
4 years 7 months ago
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Dick84 wrote:And McVay ain’t showing much growth right now.

None at all. He sucks and is totally clueless. At least when he tells the reporters it was his fault, he will be telling the truth.

 by Haden
4 years 7 months ago
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United States of America   Spokane, WA
RFU Survivor Champ

[quote="R4L"]Truest post I've seen in a while.[/quot


 by snackdaddy
4 years 7 months ago
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Hall of Fame

fletch59 wrote:Ok i give up lol

The game was essentially over when the defense let them hold the ball for 8 minutes and kick a field goal. Only the most absurdly optimistic fan thought they would score a TD. By making it a 5 point lead it put the game out of reach. There was no time for two field goals after than 8 minute drive. The defense was good for the most part, but could not come up with the stop when it was desperately needed.

Those guys have to do some soul searching among themselves. Are they good enough to make a playoff run? Or do they mail it in? I don't see them mailing it in. I expect them to give it their all. But quite frankly, they aren't good enough.

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9 posts Jul 08 2024