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 by vcsjoecurley
4 years 8 months ago
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Sean McVay will wake up Monday morning with the type of problem he has yet to face as Los Angeles Rams head coach.

 by AltiTude Ram
4 years 8 months ago
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Good article Joe!

The oline depth is my biggest concern. I hope they look outside for some help but I don't think there's much available on the street.

It might take a trade to upgrade at this point.

Thanks for posting!

 by snackdaddy
4 years 8 months ago
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For two years McVay was a rock star. He could do no wrong in everyone's eyes. Energetic, good looking young guy who turned around a long time losing franchise. Life has been good for McVay.

Now it seems like he has no answer for their problems. Twitter has all kinds of talk about comparing him to Jeff Fisher. And that is not a complement. Teams have adjusted to McVay's offense and he has not been able to counter what they do.

Goff is not the same quarterback he was the last two seasons. Gurley is not the running back he was. The line is definitely not even close to what they were last year. The defense might not be worse than last year, but last year's defense was so bad just saying its the same is not a good thing.

What is also happening is the Rams are not doing the things they used to do to win the close games. Missed chipped shot field goal for the loss. Giving up 55 points on a day they score 40. Total passing game failure when they were running the ball successfully early but stopped after that.

Its a combination of things. The line isn't blocking. The quarterback isn't making enough good throws. The defense isn't getting enough stops. And the coach isn't calling the right plays or game planning the right plays.

How long will this continue? Will McVay find an answer? Will the Rams bounce back and start winning? I have no idea. At the moment I'm not confident based on what I see. It could happen. Or it won't.

 by vcsjoecurley
4 years 8 months ago
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Thanks man. Yeah, I think offensive line performance has been by far the biggest issue. I think it's effecting everything from Goff and Gurley to play calling.

Another issue is the veteran depth on the team. Certainly when you pay your stars in the NFL, it makes it tougher to pay veteran depth pieces. Pieces who could help the Rams ride out this current injury storm they're experiencing.

Gonna be tough.

 by ramsman34
4 years 8 months ago
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vcsjoecurley wrote:Thanks man. Yeah, I think offensive line performance has been by far the biggest issue. I think it's effecting everything from Goff and Gurley to play calling.

Another issue is the veteran depth on the team. Certainly when you pay your stars in the NFL, it makes it tougher to pay veteran depth pieces. Pieces who could help the Rams ride out this current injury storm they're experiencing.

Gonna be tough.

Great article. Have you gleaned any insight as to how they feel about Edwards and Evans as far as being anywhere near ready, same for Long at Corner? Pretty risky move to go with zero vet depth on the o-line. I wonder if they are regretting the let Saffold walk and sign Hav long-term move? He was limited athletically to begin with and now looks like he has regressed significantly. Ugh. The drop from the top can be fast in today’s NFL.

 by TomSlick
4 years 8 months ago
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ramsman34 wrote:The drop from the top can be fast in today’s NFL.

Still amazed how that happens...it is a kidney bunch.

Got to hand it to HC Satan and his players...the Pats are a mind blow.

 by bremillard
4 years 8 months ago
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Other teams adjusted to the Ram offense. Gurley has health issues that limit his contribution. D coordinators can see this. Goff isn't mobile and he makes poor decisions and poor throws under pressure. Pretty easy to game plan that.

 by Hacksaw
4 years 8 months ago
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bremillard wrote:Other teams adjusted to the Ram offense. Gurley has health issues that limit his contribution. D coordinators can see this. Goff isn't mobile and he makes poor decisions and poor throws under pressure. Pretty easy to game plan that.

Apparently so. Still not sure whats up with TGII but upgrading our O-line should help Goff and any RB carrying the rock... Must start there.

Our new CB should help the D since he can play man so I can see the defense potentially getting even better. Bummer about JJ tho..

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9 posts Jul 08 2024