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 by SoCalRam78
4 years 8 months ago
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Pro Bowl

Rams have QB, WR, TE, and RB under control and contract.

OLine: total rebuild. Resources needed here. Not sure who will even be here from this group due to retirement and injury. Boom, Allen, Corbett, Edwards, Evans, and Hav all under deals. Can anyone em of them be relied upon is the question?

Secondary: Ramsey, Hill, NRC, Long, Williams, Weddle, JJ, Rapp. I’d say okay for now.

Linebackers: Matthews, Young, OBO, Kiser and more scrubs under deals. Littleton and Fowler FAs. Resources need to go here. This is seriously a deficient unit.

Line: Donald, SJD, Smart, Gaines. Brockers likely gone. Need more resources here.

So I have OL, DL, LB in need with major question marks.

 by ramsfan1977
4 years 8 months ago
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I am not a capologist but it doesnt take one to realize Fowler, Brockers and Littleton are gone and Gurley , Goff and possibly Cooks need to be re-structured.

 by snackdaddy
4 years 8 months ago
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ramsfan1977 wrote:I am not a capologist but it doesnt take one to realize Fowler, Brockers and Littleton are gone and Gurley , Goff and possibly Cooks need to be re-structured.

Yeah, one more season still the CBA so they still have to watch how much they pay. At some point Brockers isn't going to be that steady player. We can't afford another long term deal with him. But someone else might give it to him.

Fowler isn't having that breakout year but we could do worse. Unless he takes off the second half of the season I don't think he's going to be all that expensive. Whether he returns or not.

Littleton is a nice player for an undrafted. Buts its not like he's irreplaceable. I'd like him back but again, someone else might pay more than we can.

 by SoCalRam78
4 years 8 months ago
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Dick84 wrote:Between the guys you listed on OL, they’ve got to have a few decent starters.

Can you tell me who they are? Whit will move on to retirement. You have Boom coming off an ACL who was a poor guard, Allen who has been terrible (PFF and eye test), Hav who can't block anyone this year, then the new projects who we don't know can play (Edwards and Evans). Corbett who Cle was happy to let go. Can you patch together a unit from these guys? Sure. Can they get Goff killed? Sure.

 by CanuckRightWinger
4 years 8 months ago
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2020 NEEDS??? How about a new OLine Coach??? :idea2:

Seeing our $100 Million QB get flung around like a ragdoll for 6 games now....
... I am officially no longer an Aaron BullShitSalesman Kromer fan! :x

We know that Les Snead and Sean McVay are smart guys right? :idea2:

So how in H-E-double hockey sticks do they get horn-swoggled into thinking that veteran OLine performers like Rodger Saffold and John Sullivan could be effectively replaced by greenhorns Joe Noteboom and Brian Allen, huh??

For McSnead to have bought into this plan and drunk the NoteboomAllen KoolAid, Aaron Kromer HAD TO HAVE SWORN THAT THERE WAS NO RISK. :idea2:
KROMER HAD TO HAVE 110% COMMITTED TO NOTEBOOM'S & ALLEN'S 2019 READINESS AND EFFECTIVENESS.....OTHERWISE WHY WOULD LES SNEAD AND SEAN McVAY HAD SIGNED-OFF ON IT???!!! :!2: ....McVay even gave Noteboom & Allen PreSeasonHiatus veteran status, (RATHER THAN GIVE THEM REPS AND MAYBE WATCH THEIR PLAY), because they were "too valuable" to risk injury during meaningless PreSeason! :roll2:

Kromer owns this dumpster fire that is now Los Ramos 2019 OLine. :idea2: :arrow2: :oops2:

We can still make the Playoffs as a WC I believe, but we now have to climb over TWO teams within our Division who have games on us in the L column....and who both own the tie-breakers presently over us. Mathematically its possible....but practically? Not so possible.

To quote the late great Tampa HC John McKay after his Bucs first ever NFL victory over the Saints:
"Gee, a couple of key plane crashes and we're talking Playoffs!! :lol2:
...back to Aaron NoFookingMiracleWorker! Kromer....
In business, if you push a program that is controversial, and you get the Executive to sign off on it, you OWN it.....and if YOUR project fails, you get shyte-canned!! It's called "ACCOUNTABILITY"!!! :idea2:

Last time I checked, the NFL is a business!! :idea2:

As always, JMO.

 by bremillard
4 years 8 months ago
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United States of America   LA Coliseum

My biggest question is Goff. Second biggest is Gurley. Defense is performing pretty well. Offense has been sucking wind. I truly hope the issue is the O line. I'd hate to think that we threw away 130 million.

 by Hacksaw
4 years 8 months ago
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bremillard wrote:My biggest question is Goff. Second biggest is Gurley. Defense is performing pretty well. Offense has been sucking wind. I truly hope the issue is the O line. I'd hate to think that we threw away 130 million.

Agreed. A common denominator which we know is broken is the O-line. Perhaps those 2 biggest questions can easily be answered.
Biggest boo boo the Rams made was not going for more quality beef up front.

 by CanuckRightWinger
4 years 8 months ago
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Yup.....Los Ramos OLine beef-shortage is...
getting Goff paying Cedar Sinai Hospital for their spleen-donors list, and...
has Todd Gurley, Malcolm Brown, Hendy et al looking for daylight.

The architect of this cow-dung mess? Aaron KoolAidSalesguy Kromer!! :evil2:

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8 posts Jul 08 2024