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 by AvengerRam
4 years 8 months ago
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Yes, that was a deliberately provocative thread title.

And, no, I don't think it would happen.

But, here's my thought on this...

I like Todd Gurley. I think he's a hard-working team player and, when he's at his best, an elite talent. As far as I know, he's never been anything but a high-quality "NFL citizen."

But, in today's NFL, I've come to conclude that RBs are just not worth premium dollars. I've seen too many mid-round RBs making low end $ have success when the blocking is good and the offense has reasonable balance.

Again, that is not a knock on Gurley. I still believe he is the best RB on our team. But, in terms of overall success, I think we'd be better off with a better OL and a platoon of Malcolm Brown and Darrell Henderson.

So, to make that point... I offer a hypothetical that will never happen: if I could trade Todd Gurley tomorrow for Trent Williams (a guy I think would upgrade our OL), I'd do it. And, yes... I know that Gurley's contract and knee probably make him untradeable, so you need not point that out to me.

The real point is, going forward, I think the Rams need to focus their resources on fixing the trenches, particularly the OL. With all the innovations in football, the basic rule remains: the team that wins in the trenches usually wins the game.

Time to get back to those basics.

 by Hacksaw
4 years 8 months ago
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The Rams went and made TGII, JG and McV have comfortable wealthy cats this year. What a sad coincidence all 3 are preforming at a lower lever to show for it. And not such a coincidence will be the years of suffrage and/or the need to say goodbye to quality players (see Saffold) to pay for these guys.

I am beginning to fear that we may have just married Frankenstein's bride.

 by AvengerRam
4 years 8 months ago
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SoCalRam78 wrote:Washington nor anyone are going to take on TG's contract. Rams will have to eat that one.

So, what you're saying is, you read half of the thread title and ignored the rest of my post.

Thanks. :roll2:

 by SoCalRam78
4 years 8 months ago
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Hacksaw wrote:The Rams went and made TGII, JG and McV have comfortable wealthy cats this year. What a sad coincidence all 3 are preforming at a lower lever to show for it. And not such a coincidence will be the years of suffrage and/or the need to say goodbye to quality players (see Saffold) to pay for these guys.

I am beginning to fear that we may have just married Frankenstein's bride.

The McVay deal is justifiable. Backs even at Gurley's level should never get big pay days, would the Rams even offer Goff an extension if they waited and we're seeing what we're seeing? Now the Rams are married to these guys.

 by AvengerRam
4 years 8 months ago
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Israel   Lake Mary, Florida
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SoCalRam78 wrote:The McVay deal is justifiable. Backs even at Gurley's level should never get big pay days, would the Rams even offer Goff an extension if they waited and we're seeing what we're seeing? Now the Rams are married to these guys.

McVay? Yes.
Goff? Yes.
Gurley? That's the topic.

 by ramsman34
4 years 8 months ago
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I’d rather find another way to get Williams. Bc, with your premise that TG is the best of our backs, elite when right, and would probably excel at a higher level with the improved blocking you expect with Williams, TG allows MCV to really play call, keep Ds off balance and the play action game screams back with a vengeance.

So, alternative trade plan???

 by Hacksaw
4 years 8 months ago
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SoCalRam78 wrote:The McVay deal is justifiable.

Not so sure about that right now. His go to O has been stuffed by several teams since last year and he isn't adjusting. Sure he's lining up a 2nd TE and leaving the backs back to block more but it's not working on the scoreboard.
SoCalRam78 wrote:Backs even at Gurley's level should never get big pay days, would the Rams even offer Goff an extension if they waited and we're seeing what we're seeing? Now the Rams are married to these guys.

The money is going to cramp our style for a while. I hopeful Goff can find his rhythm again but he sure looked like a dud again today.

TGII, If he can return to form, he's worth it. Start the Gurdling (well actually don't) but I'm now skeptical that wont happen. With all the mystery surrounding him, I think either the coach is babying him to much or more likely he's damaged goods.
He was elite. Now? So perhaps a trade would be best before everyone catches on.

Personally I love the kid and hope he too returns to form, but something isn't right in Mudville. My guess is few to none would trade for him.
I'd like to see if he could even pass another teams physical.

 by bremillard
4 years 8 months ago
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Gurley looks damaged. His hasn't been the same for the last 12 games. Others see this as well. Nobody will take that on. Goff is good when the Rams are running downhill. When the going gets tough he simply isn't anywhere near as elite as his contract implies he is. I thought doing that extension before the season could be evaluated was DUMB. The Rams now have a bunch of money on 3 names. None of them have shown to be worth the investment...at least the first 6 games of this season.

 by snackdaddy
4 years 8 months ago
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I would trade Gurley too for a high quality left tackle. But since that is a pipe dream, what do we do for the future? Big Whit will likely retire. And its finally starting to look like his age is catching up to him. Trent Williams would be a great replacement. But how do we make it happen? We need someone like that for sure. Our line is starting to look like the days of the turnstile line we had before McVay. 2 plays to get one yard at the goal line and our guys can get no push. We're back to the days when one yard is a passing situation.

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25 posts Jul 08 2024