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 by Hacksaw
4 years 11 months ago
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Elvis wrote:Most of the signage in the new stadium will be digital and easily changed to accommodate whatever event is going on...

As much as I'm over the mismatch, in his scenario, not the seats.

 by moklerman
4 years 11 months ago
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aeneas1 wrote:yeah, that was actually the name of the color... also, back in the day, before the rams changed to blue/white, they weren't happy with the shade of yellow they were using for their jerseys because it didn't show up well on b&w tv, so they sampled a bunch of different yellows until they found one that did look decent on tv, that offered the contrast they wanted for b&w tv, prob was the name of the color was "buttercup yellow", and when reeves (owner at the time) found out he nixed it, said there was no way his team was going to wear anything called "buttercup yellow"... i've heard some scoff at fans who seem to get hung up uniforms, but a lot of people consider it to be a very important topic, including more than a few nfl owners, it's not just fan thing.
The problem with what Georgia picked for St. Louis wasn't the uniform colors themselves. In a vacuum, those jerseys and colors looked great. At the store or in person, they looked really sharp and the gold really stood out against the navy. Unfortunately, on tv the reflective nature of the color combined with the color of the field to give it a mustardy, drab appearance. I have no doubt that the powers that be didn't bother researching how the uniforms would actually look on the field when they made their decision.

 by Phil
4 years 11 months ago
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AvengerRam wrote:Would you feel that way if they just returned to the classic blue and yellow unis?

That is what I mean. I hate that Georgia renranded them to the disgusting colors and cartoon snail logo. Now, instead of returning to the simple, classic design, they are planning to create something new. I do not want new. I like the old uniforms. There is something prestigious about simple, classic, and consistent.

Yes, we do require a rebrand of sorts because our current uniforms are tacky and mismatched, our logo and wordmarks are cartoony, etc. All of that needs to be fixed. But not the way they are reportedly going.

I'm not even an old fan and i recognize how iconic those old unis are.

 by AvengerRam
4 years 11 months ago
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Well... hopefully they'll lean more toward the "classic" side with only a hint of "modern."

 by Mr. Sparkle
4 years 11 months ago
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Hacksaw wrote:As much as I'm over the mismatch, in his scenario, not the seats.

Yes, I have been thinking and actually wonder how they came up with the exact color of the seats. I mean, does Stan have to get Spanos' approval? If not, he could have gone yellow AND blue like some stadiums have multi color seats? Silly to think about but the seats are a HUGE part of the "look" of the stadium. Correct me if I am wrong, as I often am, but I dont think the Rams have EVER had seats matching them.

Coliseum 1940's-1980's = reddish/drab?
Anaheim 1980s - 1994 = I do not even remember. Green now but that was after Disney..
St. Louis 1995-2015 = Red and ?
Coliseum 2016-2019 = Red

I hate to be a hater, but I think even most Charger fans don't want to be Stan's tenant so as uncomfortable Spanos can be and thinks of other options the better for everyone...except Spanos. Pipe dream for us all maybe. But gotta dream.

 by Hacksaw
4 years 11 months ago
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Mr. Sparkle wrote:Yes, I have been thinking and actually wonder how they came up with the exact color of the seats. I mean, does Stan have to get Spanos' approval? If not, he could have gone yellow AND blue like some stadiums have multi color seats? Silly to think about but the seats are a HUGE part of the "look" of the stadium. Correct me if I am wrong, as I often am, but I dont think the Rams have EVER had seats matching them.

Coliseum 1940's-1980's = reddish/drab?
Anaheim 1980s - 1994 = I do not even remember. Green now but that was after Disney..
St. Louis 1995-2015 = Red and ?
Coliseum 2016-2019 = Red

I hate to be a hater, but I think even most Charger fans don't want to be Stan's tenant so as uncomfortable Spanos can be and thinks of other options the better for everyone...except Spanos. Pipe dream for us all maybe. But gotta dream.

Pretty sure the seats at Anaheim were red too.
Never really thought about it but yeah, their seats never have matched the team colors. Wild.

Darker blue seats might get hot in the sun so the common light color left is yellow.

Methinks they will go with whatever blue the Rams end up wearing.

 by rather
4 years 11 months ago
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Show of hands of people who went and bought a couple of the new jerseys in 2000, then tuned into their first preseason game ("SB 34 1/2" .. ugh) and said why does the jersey I own look better than the one the players are wearing?

Blocky numbers and same old font on the nameplate. The unis were corrected in 2001 when Reebok took over.

I always thought Puma flat out messed up the Rams unis and was a factor in the league changing to Reebok the next year ..

 by SpeedRacer
4 years 11 months ago
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The jersey blue lightened over time from 1973. The helmet blue stayed navy. Keeping the helmets navy could have been done to keep the yellow horns properly contrasted. Matching the jersey and helmet blues might end up being a significant new look.

Getting closer to the bright royal of the jersey would be my guess. Choosing the correct blue that makes the yellow horns stand out while delivering what will probably be called "California Blue" is probably a bit of a challenge.

The future "Sunshine Yellow" is hopefully yellow. Trying to make a yellow bright can often make it look "Highlighter Yellow". That tends toward a bright green. See: NFL goalposts. Those are "Highlighter Yellow".

A trendy feature like mirrored horns would be my concern. Let the Oregon Ducks do that stuff. The weekly unis with wild features has become a thing for them. They can have it.

Go Rams!

 by DirtyFacedKid
4 years 11 months ago
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Hacksaw wrote:Darker blue seats might get hot in the sun so the common light color left is yellow.

Methinks they will go with whatever blue the Rams end up wearing.

I think the seat colors have already been determined. They're dark blue, if visiting the LASED Premiere Center is any indicator. Not sure that has anything to do with the upcoming uniform changes, though. But I don't think it's happenstance.

 by Hacksaw
4 years 11 months ago
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United States of America   AT THE BEACH

DirtyFacedKid wrote:I think the seat colors have already been determined. They're dark blue, if visiting the LASED Premiere Center is any indicator. Not sure that has anything to do with the upcoming uniform changes, though. But I don't think it's happenstance.

Ahh, more tea leaves. I guess that EFTE roof might filter the sun enough to keep those dark blue seats (if) from getting to hot.

At least it doesn't sound like were going to be resembling Levi stadium seating anymore.

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