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 by dieterbrock
5 years 5 months ago
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It was a bad call, what can you do.
History will conveniently forget that the Saints still took a 3 point lead there with only a minute and change left, and that they also got the ball to start OT.
Like "the tackle" where its played as if the Titans would have won had he scored.
Oh well, lets win the damn SB and not care

 by AvengerRam
5 years 5 months ago
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It will be discussed for a few days, but once the media descends on Atlanta for the Super Bowl festivities, they'll move on to talking about the game.

 by Brady
5 years 5 months ago
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Pat's still here about the tuck rule to this day... so brace yourself.

I think if you guys win the SB, you'll hear it until the end of time. If you lose, you still hear it from bitter Saints fans, but it'll be forgotten about rather quickly elsewhere.

 by Hacksaw
5 years 5 months ago
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A tainted WIN? Only because the Saints would have likely won it in regulation. That non call at that point in the game changed the ultimate outcome with things being what they were at that point. We also got away with one in the opposite endzone earlier in the game that wasn't called.

Then there are all the face mask calls against the Saints that the ref's overlooked. Those could have been game / score changers too.

Gurley didn't play a significant role either. Quietest 36 plays I've ever not seen.

The ref's were letting the players play.
So yeah, folks aren't talking about holding Kamara to what 50+ yds? Or talking about Thomas only getting 36 yds on 3 receptions. Or holding the Aint's to 10 points in the last 3 qtrs.
The Rams D bent but didn't break and played very stout. Our boys were hitting and punched the Saints in the mouth while all the fans whistles were blowing.

Great job by the Rams team and as much as this missed call happened, I think the conversation will change to what the Rams did do and what they are going to have to do to beat the Pastriots.

 by St. Loser Fan
5 years 5 months ago
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34 years later St. Louis still hasn't forgiven Don Dekinger for "The Call" against the Royals in the 1985 World Series.

https://www.mlb.com/news/don-denkinger- ... c-99040244

 by AvengerRam
5 years 5 months ago
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Israel   Lake Mary, Florida
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I'm willing to tolerate a certain amount of venting from Saints fans, as I completely understand their upset.

At some point, though, if they're unwilling to give the Rams credit for gutting out a huge win in an extremely tough environment, I'm eventually going to lose my patience and just say "scoreboard."

The Rams won the game and are going to the Super Bowl. Deal with it.

 by St. Loser Fan
5 years 5 months ago
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AvengerRam wrote:I'm willing to tolerate a certain amount of venting from Saints fans, as I completely understand their upset.

At some point, though, if they're unwilling to give the Rams credit for gutting out a huge win in an extremely tough environment, I'm eventually going to lose my patience and just say "scoreboard."

The Rams won the game and are going to the Super Bowl. Deal with it.

As much as you might enjoy pouring salt in New Orleans wounds, be kind and remember they don't have any other pro sports to root for.

(Yes, I'm making a Pelicans basketball joke.)

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322 posts Jul 05 2024