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 by snackdaddy
8 years 11 months ago
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Inquiring minds wanna know, what would the status of RRF and ROD be if the Rams do move to LA? I can see ROD maintaining status quo. But I'm not so sure about RRF. And I can see this board getting much bigger if the Rams move.

 by -X-
8 years 11 months ago
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snackdaddy wrote:Inquiring minds wanna know, what would the status of RRF and ROD be if the Rams do move to LA? I can see ROD maintaining status quo. But I'm not so sure about RRF. And I can see this board getting much bigger if the Rams move.

Considering the fact that ROD isn't city-centric, they will probably continue to experience a normal ebb and flow. People hardcore dedicated to the city will probably leave and quit rooting for the team, period, if they move. The L.A. fans over there will probably stick around because most of them have been there since I opened it back in 2010.

It was a big struggle letting the relocation talk go on over there *because* that board is all about the Rams and not about pitting fan against fan or propping up one locale over another. That's secondary to what the forum is all about. The Rams. But since there was such an outcry for being able to discuss it, they decided to go ahead and let it happen while trying their hardest to keep the tempers from flaring. Again, no easy task. If they do move, you guys will probably have the upper hand on new recruits while ROD just continues on doing what they're doing. This has the potential to be much better than that other LA board that popped up, because that one sounds more like a grudge-fest against the PD than anything else. They should just rename it MartyredLARamsFans instead and be done with it.

RRF has been dying a slow death for a while now, but I think that has more to do with their disinterest in modernizing than their allegiance to one place or another.

 by Elvis
8 years 11 months ago
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RRF is seemingly dying from neglect.

It's the Rev's site and he's not around very much anymore. I know people have offered to buy it or help him upgrade it but it just doesn't happen. My guess is: It's his baby and he can't let it go but he doesn't really have the time or inclination to work on it like he used to.

With him being in St. Louis and Son_Dee in Atlanta, i can't see them surviving a move to L.A., if that long. But who knows? It's just speculation on my part. Though it is this very speculation that inspired me to start RFU...

 by max
8 years 11 months ago
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-X- wrote:
max wrote:It was 2 years ago by X. That guy is a huge phony, a total joke. I hope you never donated money to ROD, those guys are making money off their board members.

IMHO, the ROD site is worse than the PD board. At least with the PD board, you know exactly what they are about.

You sure about that?
Seems more like you took your ball and went home and then PHX banned you.

http://www.ramsondemand.com/threads/wag ... ost-320962
http://www.ramsondemand.com/threads/wag ... ost-320997

Yeah, I'm sure about that.

Bottom line is, I got banned after getting into an argument with you over Gibson.

And you don't fool me. I'm onto your scam over there at ROD. You and that wacko buddy of yours.

 by -X-
8 years 11 months ago
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United States of America   LA Coliseum

max wrote:
-X- wrote:
max wrote:It was 2 years ago by X. That guy is a huge phony, a total joke. I hope you never donated money to ROD, those guys are making money off their board members.

IMHO, the ROD site is worse than the PD board. At least with the PD board, you know exactly what they are about.

You sure about that?
Seems more like you took your ball and went home and then PHX banned you.

http://www.ramsondemand.com/threads/wag ... ost-320962
http://www.ramsondemand.com/threads/wag ... ost-320997

Yeah, I'm sure about that.

Bottom line is, I got banned after getting into an argument with you over Gibson.

And you don't fool me. I'm onto your scam over there at ROD. You and that wacko buddy of yours.

CGI is a whacko? You're probably the one guy to ever say that. You're also still a registered member, so I maintain that you simply walked away. So the real bottom line is, I didn't ban you despite your claims to the contrary. Nobody did.

Scam? lol. Watch out for those black helicopters...

 by BuiltRamTough
8 years 11 months ago
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I like ROD, I've been a member since 2010. I'm banned as of right now, I think in a couple of weeks my ban will be lifted. I was banned Bc I posted a video of Gurely yelling LA Rams. That being said, no love lost.

The only issue I have regarding ROD is most ppl there don't comment on the relocation thread Bc they're scared of getting banned or something. We all know it's the no.1 MAJOR hot button topic and its what's on everyone's minds. Let not close our eyes and pretend it doesn't exist.

 by -X-
8 years 11 months ago
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BuiltRamTough wrote:I like ROD, I've been a member since 2010. I'm banned as of right now, I think in a couple of weeks my ban will be lifted. I was banned Bc I posted a video of Gurely yelling LA Rams. That being said, no love lost.

The only issue I have regarding ROD is most ppl there don't comment on the relocation thread Bc they're scared of getting banned or something. We all know it's the no.1 MAJOR hot button topic and its what's on everyone's minds. Let not close our eyes and pretend it doesn't exist.


Who banned YOU?

 by snackdaddy
8 years 11 months ago
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BuiltRamTough wrote:I like ROD, I've been a member since 2010. I'm banned as of right now, I think in a couple of weeks my ban will be lifted. I was banned Bc I posted a video of Gurely yelling LA Rams. That being said, no love lost.

The only issue I have regarding ROD is most ppl there don't comment on the relocation thread Bc they're scared of getting banned or something. We all know it's the no.1 MAJOR hot button topic and its what's on everyone's minds. Let not close our eyes and pretend it doesn't exist.

Its a hot button topic indeed. Seems like the St. Louis fans get a longer rope than the LA fans. Which I guess is understandable because it would seem LA has the upper hand and fans losing their current team have a lower boiling point. I wonder how things woulda sounded 20 years ago if these boards were around back then? I only make an occasional comment on that thread and I try not to sound insensitive to the St. Louis fans.

My two sons are big Raider fans. One of them lives in Hayward which is right next to Oakland. He would be devastated if his team left. He's seen many games and hung out in the Black Hole. The Raiders are a big part of his existence. But go figure, he's also a Dodgers and Lakers fan. I guess I did something right when I raised him. ;)

 by snackdaddy
8 years 11 months ago
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-X- wrote:
BuiltRamTough wrote:I like ROD, I've been a member since 2010. I'm banned as of right now, I think in a couple of weeks my ban will be lifted. I was banned Bc I posted a video of Gurely yelling LA Rams. That being said, no love lost.

The only issue I have regarding ROD is most ppl there don't comment on the relocation thread Bc they're scared of getting banned or something. We all know it's the no.1 MAJOR hot button topic and its what's on everyone's minds. Let not close our eyes and pretend it doesn't exist.


Who banned YOU?

I saw that exchange. Some people were arguing that Gurley never said LA Rams. Sounded like he did to me. But I believe it was Rams503 who banned him. I assume it was a ban because he said something like "You're done".

 by -X-
8 years 11 months ago
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United States of America   LA Coliseum

Well that's unfortunate. But I didn't see it so I had no idea.

FWIW, I'd be pretty okay if they moved back to L.A., because a bigger market = bigger exposure. Plus, I've been a fan since 1978 so I'm connected to a lot of that history. But if they stay, that's fine too. I guess I'm fortunate that I have no real vested interest in their location. It's less to argue about.

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149 posts Jun 17 2024