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by  bremillard   Sep 30 2019   Forum: Rams/NFL   Topic: Goff is HAS a problem (updated title)   Replies: 427   Views: 11698

Not a Rams fan? Had season tickets at the Big A through some very lean years and attended several games at The Dome. That doesn't mean I'm a sunshine pumper like you. Real fans don't pretend. They tell it like it is. See you in Seattle? Ya...kind of doubt it.

by  bremillard   Sep 30 2019   Forum: Rams/NFL   Topic: Goff is HAS a problem (updated title)   Replies: 427   Views: 11698

Yep. Let's see what happens on Thursday. Team and Goff were humbled in the Superbowl with Gurley at about 25%. Looked shaky in every win this season including against N.O. where they were lucky Brees was injured. I'm not a sunshine pumper. Goff turned the ball over 4 times and missed 2 wide open TD ...

by  bremillard   Sep 30 2019   Forum: Rams/NFL   Topic: Goff is HAS a problem (updated title)   Replies: 427   Views: 11698

Yes...defense stayed home for this one. Couldn't even make a stop when momentum should have been on the Ram's side after the pick six. Sorry effort...maybe the worst defensive effort in 20 years.

by  bremillard   Sep 30 2019   Forum: Rams/NFL   Topic: Goff is HAS a problem (updated title)   Replies: 427   Views: 11698

Sorry to say the team has too much invested in Goff and Gurley. Goff, like many have surmised, is a system quarterback. He needs a strong surrounding cast including and, maybe especially, a solid running game. When he has to win games the team is in trouble.

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