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by  Brady   Jan 21 2019   Forum: Rams/NFL   Topic: PI call/no call - how long do we have to listen to this   Replies: 321   Views: 4371

The only thing better than savoring the sweet sweet taste of victory is having a bunch of people crying about it the next day. I personally am enjoying it a lot. Cry more. Yes...… tell me more about your pain. Tell me more how upset you are that my Rams are in the SuperBowl. Tell me more…….. plz. I...

by  Brady   Jan 21 2019   Forum: Rams/NFL   Topic: Bad news...   Replies: 3   Views: 100

Mahomes gonna light it up tho! 8-)

by  Brady   Jan 21 2019   Forum: Rams/NFL   Topic: Congrats & Good Luck!   Replies: 6   Views: 185

Was hoping you'd find your way here. Hopefully you stick around, always enjoyed your take I'll pop on now and then for sure. Good hearing from ya dude! In order to be the best you got to beat the best. Go Rams!!! #respect What's up Brady, yep I remember you too -great to see you. And I'm not here t...

by  Brady   Jan 21 2019   Forum: Rams/NFL   Topic: PI call/no call - how long do we have to listen to this   Replies: 321   Views: 4371

Pat's still here about the tuck rule to this day... so brace yourself.

I think if you guys win the SB, you'll hear it until the end of time. If you lose, you still hear it from bitter Saints fans, but it'll be forgotten about rather quickly elsewhere.

by  Brady   Jan 21 2019   Forum: Rams/NFL   Topic: Congrats & Good Luck!   Replies: 6   Views: 185

Hey guys, not here to talk trash or troll.

Some of you may remember me from RRF. Just wanted to congratulate you guys on an amazing season, and wish you guys luck in the Big Game. No matter the outcome I grew to respect you guys over at RRF and that wont change! :D

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